System Optimization and a bit of cooling issue...



First, what is the best video driver that I should get, because apperentlly there is some many different ones(Omega(creator being a bitch leaving out the new nvidia drivers), DNA, DHzer0point, etc.)
So which one is the best to use, I tried many and personally the only one I really like was the omega one, but it's from the 80 series of nvidia drivers.
I have a vanilla Geforce 6800 128MB.

Second, my processor have been stuck on temperatures such as 58°C and above. The only time I see it lower is when my house's A/C is on, kind of sad in a way.
I have a P4 3.00Mghz HT Technology one with a stock fan.
I am not into making any physical upgrades yet, my motherboard is a bit buggy but with that I will probablly move on to PCI-Express where the video cards are cheaper and maybe the Pentium 5 processor which is pretty cheap $200 and better cooling/overclocking.....

Until then, is there any application I can use to optimize the processor's fan speed? Something like Rivatuner for video cards?
Just something that I can manually increase and decrease using some buttons.

I have SpeedFan on, it seems to keep the computer form freezing up, but I rather have some control scrolly thingy that I can move to increase speed and to decrease speed.

You need a new cpu fan to keep it from overheating. They don't cost that much.
What about now?

CPU - 60°C
Video Card - 99°C(Right Now) It even reached it maxium temperature couple of minutes ago, I am not sure though how it's still working fine....

Edit: Video Card dropped to 35°C, I think I am having computer errors now.
What is your room temp? Do you have a working case fan in the front and back (not including the powersupply fan)?
What is your room temp? Do you have a working case fan in the front and back (not including the powersupply fan)?

The room temperature is usually fine, it's just that my computer goes ku ku when the house's a/c is off.... :(

Here is all the fans I have...
-Video Card One
-Power Supply
-One in the back
-Little one of the motherboard chipset's heatsink
-One on the case door
-One in the front directing at the harddrive

The only really problem I am having is my processor running hot. And then my network card seems to also run quite hot, sure beats the video card's temperature. You can actually feel the difference on touch...
Sooo yeah...
are the side and front intake while the back in outtake. also drivers can be a problem for heat so try updating those.
The room temperature is usually fine, it's just that my computer goes ku ku when the house's a/c is off.... :(

Here is all the fans I have...
-Video Card One
-Power Supply
-One in the back
-Little one of the motherboard chipset's heatsink
-One on the case door
-One in the front directing at the harddrive

The only really problem I am having is my processor running hot. And then my network card seems to also run quite hot, sure beats the video card's temperature. You can actually feel the difference on touch...
Sooo yeah...
Only the one in front of the case should be the intake fan, every other fan should blow air out of the case as an exhaust fan. Put your hand close to fans and feel which way air is blowing.
Look for any dust buildup. Get a can of pressurized air from your local Best Buy/Radio Shack, dusk the sucker.
Also if you're OCing, stock HSF/Thermal won't keep the CPU cool enough so get after-market HSF/Thermal.
If you can rearrange desktop so it will directly face A/C-Vent so cold air could be sucked into the case would be nice.
If you OC-ed and increased volts, back off of it, AMDs get attitude anything over 1.55v.
See if you can set your CPU-HSF and chipset-HSF through BIOS, like "Fan fully-on at 25-30 degrees" on CPU and Chipset.
I'm sorry but there aren't software that I'm aware of which could increase/decrease fans' RPM, if fans aren't directly connected to MB.
If you do connect fans to MB (The three pin MB connector) with an additional separate power line, BIOS may control fan speed according temperature. But if fans (Including CPU/Chipset fans) aren't connected to MB then they will operate at their respective speed independently.
All fans will spin at their specified speed, and nothing more, whether controlled by software or not.

I also have a Ku-ku Friend whose PC got 52" house fan blowing air into it like Win-Tunnel.....If it helps why not.

Good Luck.
Except side fans are generally intake as well. Otherwise the air that just came in from the front would exit before even cooling half the system! hehe

Pentium 4s are just known to run hot. Either lower the room temp (A/C) or get better coolers. 60C should be stable for the CPU. It isn't until around 70C that the CPU starts to downclock and then beyond that it will shut your PC down. The GFX temp is a bit HOT but I don't think you'll fry the card. If you get artifacts on screen or instability then you would want to do something.

Running standard drivers from Nvidia is what most people do actually. If you have issues in games then roll back to the previous version.
Except side fans are generally intake as well. Otherwise the air that just came in from the front would exit before even cooling half the system! hehe.

True. :thumbs: I didn't notice his side fans.
Yes side fans should work as intakes.
Also don't sit PC too close to wall, move away from the wall at least a foot, so air won't ricochet back into case.

Good Luck.