System Setup question... What would you do?



Ok guys, I got the minimum requirement pc to run this game its is pretty slow.

I got a
1.2 Intel P4
786 RAM
60 Gig Drive (6500rpm)
ATI 128 AGP card

My system probably takes between 1-3 minutes to load each level.

I have a bit a money and want to upgrade but I want to see what I will get the most bang for the buck, specific for this game.

I could upgrade the processor to a 2.0 (Maxed out)
I could upgrade memory to 1 gig or more
I could upgrade the Graphics Card to a 256MB something.
I could upgrade the harddrive to a faster RPM version.

I only have an additional 200-250$ I want to put in this PC cause even maxed out it will still be slow..

I noticed that this computer is slower then my old Compaq `900mhz Athlon, 384mb ram, with a 128mb graphics card...the ony difference is the harddrive on my other machine is a faster rpm but 13gigs. So I would think the Seek time on the harddrive makes it seem faster?

What would you guys do?
What ATI card is it you have?

Looking there, I would really recommend a new processor.
Try the faster hard-drive in the higher spec rig and see how much difference that makes.
mattgirv said:
What ATI card is it you have?

Looking there, I would really recommend a new processor.

were u thinking that he had a ati rage 128 lol i did to
I used Fresh Diagnose to do the benchmarking. Been the best benchmarking system so far that I have found that was free of spyware and was free.
The amount of memory on the graphics card (128) is less important then the chipset on the card. Is it an 8500?

To speed up your loading times, you should probably defrag your hard drive.

Your memory is sufficient for your processor, but a CPU upgrade might help.

Also, you have to ask yourself if you want to decrease load times or increase framerate.
3z3k3l said:
Ok guys, I got the minimum requirement pc to run this game its is pretty slow.

I got a
1.2 Intel P4
786 RAM
60 Gig Drive (6500rpm)
ATI 128 AGP card

My system probably takes between 1-3 minutes to load each level.

I have a bit a money and want to upgrade but I want to see what I will get the most bang for the buck, specific for this game.

I could upgrade the processor to a 2.0 (Maxed out)
I could upgrade memory to 1 gig or more
I could upgrade the Graphics Card to a 256MB something.
I could upgrade the harddrive to a faster RPM version.

I only have an additional 200-250$ I want to put in this PC cause even maxed out it will still be slow..

I noticed that this computer is slower then my old Compaq `900mhz Athlon, 384mb ram, with a 128mb graphics card...the ony difference is the harddrive on my other machine is a faster rpm but 13gigs. So I would think the Seek time on the harddrive makes it seem faster?

What would you guys do?
Given the choice, I would upgrade the processor first, but I would not go with a Pentium tho -- You can get an AMD 64 3000 with MOBO bundle for only about $160.00 around here (if you find the right sale).

The memory management of the AMD 64 makes it blow the P4 out of the water -- I had an AMD 64 3000 before upgrading further, and even that (clocked at 2GHZ) blew my P4 (2.6 OC'd to 3.4, with 800MHZ FSB and HT) out of the water!! I use the P4 for my TV computer now, since my AMD 64's toast it so well.

If you cannot do that, I would go with a videocard upgrade -- I have been using a Radeon 9600XT for a while now, and while it is not the newest card out there, it runs every game I have found (including Half Life 2) at 1600x1200 maxed without a problem.

A Hard Drive upgrade will offer minimal benefits because the rest of the system will be a holdback (imo). A GIG of RAM would also probably not offer it's full benefits to you because of the rest of your system. Good luck, and let us know what you go with.
I agree with MajorPayne, a new CPU and motherboard is what I'd get myself. The 64 bit AMDs giving the best gaming performance so that's the obvious choice. :thumbs:

Since you seem to have a decent graphics card and harddrive, then you'll have a system that's pretty good from a CPU/mobo upgrade.
I second MajorPayne, but personally I wouldn't touch anything until you sort the processor out. If you can't get a new processor, keep saving - a new graphics card is going to be throttled silly by that CPU.
768 RAM is more than enough these days so just listen to these guys an go with the processor :)
dru said:
768 RAM is more than enough these days so just listen to these guys an go with the processor :)

You may get held back by the ram... if you've got a 1.2Ghz P4 (was there ever such a beast?? I thought the slowest was a 1.4?), then you're running either PC100/PC133 ram or RAMBUS memory...either way you should really swap it out...

for $200-$250 I'd do the following:

- AthlonXP Mainboard (pick up a cheap one for $50 or so)
- AthlonXP 2700 ($70 or so)
- 1GB DDR RAM ($150 or so)

That's about $270 or thereabouts and would blow away any upgrade you would do to a P4 2.0Ghz...

Athlon64's and P4's in the 3Ghz range are great...but the AthlonXP line are wonderful when on a tight budget...
Thanks guys, I have decided on a new processor. Checking ebay now.

it says my MB supports up to a 2.0 processor 400fsb. I have seen 2.2 and 2.4 etc...with the same 400fsb, Would it technically support them as well?

I also read on Steams site that the latest update to steams engine helps to optimize the code for HL2 and make the start up and transitions faster. I am hoping that will help. Just finished the Defrag.

Miker75, thanks for the suggestions, I really don't want to get that deep into this pc. I see your point and in the next 6 months I want to build my own.
Thanks for all your suggestions and I will keep you updated on the coming changes.
If you tell us the exact name and manufacturer code for your motherboard, we can give better advice on CPU and buying new memory for it.

If you think 2.0 GHz is the limit because it says so in the manual, then that's the limit and 2.2 Ghz and upwards won't work. You might be able to overclock the 2.0 GHz to higher frequencies but I'd leave thinking about that right now.