System Shock 2 coop help


Jun 24, 2004
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My friend and I are having a problem playing this game coop. He hosts, I join, we watch intro movie. When that is over, we don't see each other at all. I am standing inside that tram and it's just like playing single player except we can type to each other.

Is there something wrong or is this the way coop is supposed to be here?
I remember having this problem. Though I can't remember how we fixed it :p

I think your always invisible to each other in the tutorial area, but keep on going and you'll be visible in the main game. I'm almost sure of it. Almost.
Yep, that seems to be it, once it got started we saw each other. THANKS. :bounce:
Wow someone got it working? Glirk and I tried for a week and it never worked. First we had a connection problem, then we fixed that, then we had a problem of me not loading, and then we had a problem of when I finally did load it would never actually finish loading.
Oh, we never managed to play. It wouldn't stop loading at one point.
I never got around to playing System Shock 2, one of my regrets. One day I'll have to get off my lazy ass and pick it up.
Foxtrot said:
Wow someone got it working? Glirk and I tried for a week and it never worked. First we had a connection problem, then we fixed that, then we had a problem of me not loading, and then we had a problem of when I finally did load it would never actually finish loading.

Did you look around on TTLG forums?
It would work fine, but eventually my brother or I would go through a bulkhead and it then decide to crash.
Me and a friend of mine got it to work easily. On XP no less. But now he refuses to play.....
I used to play SS2 co-op to death. It rocked so mightily- one of the most perfect co-operative RPGs on this earth, as the SP campaign more-or-less demanded a jack-of-all-trades, it was perfectly geared for multiple players.

And adding multiplayer in a six megabyte patch? That was amazing. It crashed once or twice but man, it was good.

/me lies back and lets nostalgia flow over him.

I don't like that the hybrids respawn, it kinda makes me feel like I'm playing a very bad sven coop map sometimes.
How many people can you get in an MP game? Is it just two or can you play with more? I've got the patch and a working version of SSHOCK2 if anyone wants to play. PM me and we'll arrange things.
Max four players. I'd love to play, but I'm currently on dialup (although, admittedly, the SS2 netcode is pretty damn good) and I've played the early sections so many times that I'm allergic to them.

The respawns are quite lazy, but in the majority of cases you could just hack the security system and stop the reinforcements- yet another reason why you should keep one high-level hacker with you at all times.
Just sitting here waiting to play again. God, SS2 is so freakin' absorbing. About 1.2 million times more than HL2, I reckon. That much more scarier, too.
So I finally got round to starting my re-play. Just got to Medical before it was time to go to bed...
those goddamn hybrids. Brrr.... make me wanna run away and go into the foetal position.
Finished. Pretty amazing. The ending pissed me off though, it was impossible. I know the recommended strategy is to have reserved three ICE Picks for the hacking, but even if I had them it would've been insanely hard not be killed before I could apply them. Needing to cheat for that tiny last section was disappointing.
I can't believe you actually beat it, my friend and I have huge problems with the cargo bay area, whatever it's called, with all the boxes.
God I think I remember playing that bit, absolutely shitting my pants at the time. Were there some turrets that needed to be taken care of around there? I remember wondering around the cargo bays, then suddenly "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" there's some crazy ass zombie with a pipe trying to crack my skull open.

Good times, good times. I may have to download this - does anyone know where you can get those model replacement packs? I think there was a texture replacer too.
Bam if it's any consolation, I was playing on the second difficulty setting. That part really stumped me the first time I played through. A massive thing to know for any part of the game is knowing what ammo to use on different enemies. Armour piercing bullets take out turrets in two shots, protocal droids in one shot, and security robots in four or five. One shot of anti-personnel takes care of a zombie.
Jimmeh, have a look at the Through The Looking Glass studios website,
how does respawing work in co-op? do you die for ever if you don't activate the reconstruction machines in each map nice and early? And aren't there no machines in the last two levels?
Nope, you respawn at the beginning of whatever level you're at.