System Shock 2


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Omfg, what is wrong with this game? It is pretty fun until an enless stream of zombies run at me. Just for that this is the worse game ever. Whenever I trigger an alarm in the demo a stream of zombies keep running at me from the same place in groups of's pretty difficult to trigger the alarms...even harder to keep triggering i guess you've got some issues there..
Ok I just found out what I have to do. All I had to do was hack some thing, but I needed more point in hacking so I restarted the game and put a point into hacking then hacked the thing and shut the security system down. But it is very easy to trigger alarms, and that is so lame that there is a constant stream of enemies.
Hardly, unless you're actively seeking to turn them on, it's not that difficult to not trigger any alarms. My guess is you suck ;)
There is a camera in this room I need to grab a power cell in so I run to it grab it and get out of the cameras view and the alarm still goes off and the endless army of zombies comes at me. There are about 5 cameras spread around the area. I think I might buy the full game though, if I can find it for cheap.
Foxtrot said:
There is a camera in this room I need to grab a power cell in so I run to it grab it and get out of the cameras view and the alarm still goes off and the endless army of zombies comes at me. There are about 5 cameras spread around the area. I think I might buy the full game though, if I can find it for cheap.

I'm pretty sure it's available for free on the internet now. As for setting off alarms, you just have to get better at it. It's not meant to be an easy game by any standards, it can get challenging. But it really is a lot of fun, and very scary sometimes.
Yah those zombies can come out of no where and start howling at you...scared me. Where do you think I could get it for free?
system shock 2 is one of the best games ever.

As for enemy spawning, well it can get old but there is a way to reduce spawning to zero (Unless you trigger an alarm or such) and also reduce weapon ware so that you don't need to repair your weapons every 6 shots :)

as to how... I can't remmember but try looking it up on the net.

also you can hack camera's as far as I can remmeber. Or shoot them..

but yeah
Hack is very important in SS2, my advice would be to grab that and bullet weapons, energy weapons are kinda useless (the pistol is nice but after that they suck) and the heavies you never need...

course that'll be if you get the full game.

have fun
Well, I think it's been released for free. If not, then just run down to your nearest bargain bin and find a copy. I don't think they sell the game anymore, so I wouldn't be suprised if you don't find it.
You must be standing in fornt of cameras like a right lemon for them to be triggerd. And the fact they make a loud bleeping noise when they do see you is enough indication to get out of their sight. Just shoot them, or take them offline then shoot them.

Reason you get swamped by loads of Hybrids is to backup the point that you're on a ship where every crewmeber has been infected and mutated. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from them.
*Gives Shuzer a cookie*
<ZEDIT>15kb... meh 4 hours and I play SYSTEM SHOCK!!! :sniper: </ZEDIT>
Thanks a lot Shuzer! I have been searching for that for well not too long... but thanks a lot!
Is Planescape torment any good? Or does any have any other reccomendations?
Planescape Torment is good, I was gonna play it this summer.
Damn, the server is busy. Oh well, I suppose SS2 is worth the wait. Thanks a buch Shuzer.
That site is absolutely incredibel....

it's amazing they even found the games they have.. It's like... magic. I have been searching for dozesn of those games for years... contacting everybody eveyrwhere
Has anyone else had problems running SS2 off that site? it seems 9 times in 10 it crashs for me on load up without an error message :(
ShadowBlade said:
Has anyone else had problems running SS2 off that site? it seems 9 times in 10 it crashs for me on load up without an error message :(

I remember having this issue myself.. can't for the life of me remember how I remedied it
Planescape: Torment is fun until it torments you by shoving pages and pages of ****ing text down your throat... which is pretty much right at the beginning! Whenever I try to play it, I spaz out.

Yeah, I just installed it and I tried to laod it up, it goes to full screen and shows me a black screen with the mouse pointer in the middle (It doesn't let me move it) and then after a few seconds of staring at it, it goes back to desktop.
Ok I finally fixed it...

I double checked everything and it seems I accidentally copied some files over to the wrong folder, check your Res folder to make sure you copied ONLY the CRF files thay asked you to (with the high res model pack)

Solved my problems.

Edit: Now i have a new problem, when I start a new game it just hangs there in a black screen :(
P4 Users with Hyperthreading go here:

Black Screen of Death
Direct 3D Device does not accurately report texture memory usage.
An error message that pops up when starting a game, changing decks, moving through bulkheads, loading a save game etc in System Shock 2. You may not get an error message, you may see only a black screen.
It primarily occurs on Nvidia Graphics cards running driver versions 5x.xx and above.
Create a file called user.cfg in the Shock2 install directory using Notepad and add the line safe_texture_manager to the top of it.
I'm running an ATI and I already tried that :( I'm also running an AMD so hyperthreading isn't the problem.

It happens when I create a new game and select to start it, it loads the content (or so the bar tells me) and then at like 97% the screen flickers and sends me into a Black screen of death. No dialogs, nothing, I have to alt ctrl del and then end the proccess to get stable again.

Fixed: Changed my compatability settings. Thanks for the help fellas.
Hmmm. I have a Radeon 9800 Pro and it worked for me. 4.4 Drivers though. Whats yours. Try adding 'safe_texture_manager' to the 'cam.cfg' file. Thats helped some people. Also some have changed their antialiasing settings to "application controlled", and that fixed it for them.
Z|insane said:
P4 Users with Hyperthreading go here:

Black Screen of Death
Direct 3D Device does not accurately report texture memory usage.
An error message that pops up when starting a game, changing decks, moving through bulkheads, loading a save game etc in System Shock 2. You may not get an error message, you may see only a black screen.
It primarily occurs on Nvidia Graphics cards running driver versions 5x.xx and above.
Create a file called user.cfg in the Shock2 install directory using Notepad and add the line safe_texture_manager to the top of it.

Bah, I always get this problem with thief 2, and probably will get it with any other game on the Dark Engine. I've edited the user.cfg and it's sorted the Direct 3D Device does not accurately report texture memory usage error, expect it runs at 5fps now which is utter bollocks. ¬_¬
Well, I have a problem after I start a new game. After the loading finishes, the game minimizes and I get the message:

"Direct3d device driver does not accurately report texture memory usage. Contact your 3d accelerator vendor for updated drivers."

I have a Radeon 9800 with catalyst 4.4 and i'm pretty sure it's up to date. Anyone know how to fix this?

Edit: nevermind, post above helped.
Score! Just got it working again ;o Hurrah! time to go thief me some.
For some reason, I can't see some of the enemies in SS2. I can hear them, and they can attack me, but I can't see them.
Foxtrot said:
Omfg, what is wrong with this game? It is pretty fun until an enless stream of zombies run at me. Just for that this is the worse game ever. Whenever I trigger an alarm in the demo a stream of zombies keep running at me from the same place in groups of

Hint: don't trip the alarms.
Sedako said:
For some reason, I can't see some of the enemies in SS2. I can hear them, and they can attack me, but I can't see them.

if you use the highpoly models pack check the website I posted for fixing this...(something about the path it loads the textures from or something, had the same problem in the beginning)

Some weapons and/or robots are now invisible since installing Rebirth.

This is a very common problem, which is due to the path of your System Shock Game". This can be easily fixed:
- create a directory called "res" in your SS2 directory.
- move all your .crf files into it.
- edit "install.cfg" to change the res_name line to point to c:\sshock2\res+E:\shock (or whatever your respective SS2 and cd directories are).

Here is an example of my "install.cfg":

cd_path E:\
install_path C:\program files\Sshock2
language english
resname_base C:\program files\Sshock2\res+E:\shock
load_path C:\program files\Sshock2+E:\shock
script_module_path C:\program files\Sshock2+E:\shock
movie_path C:\program files\Sshock2\cutscenes+E:\shock\cutscenes

Then, install Rebirth normally by extracting the "mesh" folder into your game's root directory.
Rico said:
Edit: Now i have a new problem, when I start a new game it just hangs there in a black screen :(

This is actualy the problem I have :( the thing is one time I alt tabed during load up it actualy started, however this seems to have been a one off senario. :/
You have to shoot out the cameras to stop them from tripping alarms.

The easiest way to go through the game is as a marine. Once you get the assault rifle it's not that difficult.

Psi-ops is a little more difficult but not much more.

"Is there.....another?"
I was planning on going through the game in the navy. Seems more well rounded since hacking comes in handy.
Z|insane said:
Dux what fixed yours?

Fiddled about with my drivers and turned Anti ALiasing and Filtering to application controlled.