T3H 0Ff1C!Al 1337 ThR3&D!!!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
why is it, that people online who speak '1337' seem to show extremely low intelligence, yet are able to type such a complex and strange language with ease and swiftness?

methinks we should capture some of these creatures, and observe their daily life cycles to provide some insight onto how they came to be. and while we're at it conduct some freakishly horrific medical experiments on them to pass the time :E

feel free to discuss anything related to the language of "Ub3R

and what the hell gives with the word 'uber'
Uber means "superior" in german.

1337 speak is pretty lame in my opinion, it is sort of a way for lamers to try and act "cool" in front of beginners.
uber is "super" in German

leetspeek is dead. Superiority is dead. And no one has to be smart to do it, it's actually BS. it's like saying someone is smart for being a nazi.
uber = german for super ... duh

1337 used to be 1337 in the pre-cs era... but during CS, some kids got hold of it, and it's lameness spread like wildfire.

Now I think (and hope) most people (like me) only use references to 1337 speak as a joke, or an attempt to sound like a kid (when trying to emulate or quote typical CS kids)
uber was a great word in the 1920's and its still great today :laugh:

if you dont think so, you should be shot for the sake of humanity.
lol.. i know what it means (german Pwnz0Rz) its just, why is everyone saying it?
What makes this "The Official 1337 Thread"? :rolleyes:

It's mostly used (Presently) to make fun of stupid people who take it seriously.

UB3R 1337 H4XX0R2!!!11
1N 0RD3R 2 5H0W j00 7H3 m05T r3L3V4NT r35uL7Z, W3 |-|4V3 0m1773D 50M3 3nTR135 V3RY 51M1L4R 2 7H3 2 4LR34DY |>15PL4Y3D.
Uber is an awesome word. But what on earth is with "pwned!"... owned is dumb on its own, why misspell it...

I love that google site ^_^ I even have the screen name GoogleH4x0r

3'/3 4|23 73# /\/\()$7 1337, nn3 > j00, j4j4j4j4
lePobz said:
uber = german for super ... duh

1337 used to be 1337 in the pre-cs era... but during CS, some kids got hold of it, and it's lameness spread like wildfire.

Now I think (and hope) most people (like me) only use references to 1337 speak as a joke, or an attempt to sound like a kid (when trying to emulate or quote typical CS kids)

Yah, I use it only like you said.

omgwtf n00b lololol

^^ that's the new speak. I call it netspeek
gg wp :/

People who say this REALLY annoy me. Especially when we're not even playing a game at the time.

That and people that add them stupid faces at the end of every line.

If you say gg and youre not playing a game its good going (Sarcastically). Err... ::Has probably used :-/ in like every other post i've made:: >_>

wp = well played
What really annoys me the most though is people who say "lucker". :|
I hate how girls write 'gurlz' and 'boyz' and add 'shorty' or 'ang3lz'. Pisses the hell out of me and that's one of the reasons I got rid of MSN.
It makes sense to use leet when it comes to AIM since the majority of the normal screen names are taken. I use Tw33k3l2 cuz Tweeker was taken.
i hate the 1337 kids. i do it a lot to make fun of them. the worst is when im playing cs and people have names like: $te@lth n1nj@, and 1337 $nip(x)r.
Yeah, or the mixed versale thing like eLiTe HaXxOr
even worse than people with 'l33t' names are the ones who have names like nighthawk, shadowkiller, deathwish...etc. makes me laugh every time i see them.
Goddamnit, maybe elite was useful in 1980-1990, but shit, YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO MASK FROM THE FBI, DON'T USE THE DAMN LANGUAGE!
][ ]|)0//\\//'][' |{//\\//0\\//\\// \\//\\//]-['/ '][' ]-[3'/ 4123 5']['|_|]|D ][ ]|)

translate this, and I'll be impressed
staddydaddy said:
][ ]|)0//\\//'][' |{//\\//0\\//\\// \\//\\//]-['/ '][' ]-[3'/ 4123 5']['|_|]|D ][ ]|)

translate this, and I'll be impressed


Damn, that's nearly un-readable.

"I don't know why they are stupid"
:cheers: 1 ()\/\/N Ĵu 1|\| t3h cs, 1 @m t3h 7eeL3s7 1|\| i5t p3|2s|-|u|\| 5|-|00t3|2z. Jehelelekeke... Ĵu |R @ ub3|2 |\|uB g3t 73|-| 4uc|< 0f4 7e|-| 1|\|7e|2|\|3t, 4 I 4m 7eh 733L M@z7@.
ailevation said:
:cheers: 1 ()\/\/N Ĵu 1|\| t3h cs, 1 @m t3h 7eeL3s7 1|\| i5t p3|2s|-|u|\| 5|-|00t3|2z. Jehelelekeke... Ĵu |R @ ub3|2 |\|uB g3t 73|-| 4uc|< 0f4 7e|-| 1|\|7e|2|\|3t, 4 I 4m 7eh 733L M@z7@.

You've got to be kidding me. That is insane.
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i also dont like people who have to add LOL!!!!!!1111 to end every sentence,or just randomly say it without actually using conscious thought... it scares me... :|

LOL!!!!!!111 :D

Whos come across someone like that? You have? Poor bastard.

edit: hey maybe we might attract some real life "1337" people who really do type in '1337'
When I'm king I'm going to have every moron who speaks in "1337" lined up against a wall and shot.
Light l337 is easy to tolerate. Hardcore l337 is sometimes a Headache the following kind of l337 pisses me off: T3H |337 M5473R

Can these people translate correctly, in light l337 that should be:

7|-|3 |337 /\/\4573|>