tablet problems, can anyone help?


Nov 8, 2003
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I posted this in hardware and software trouble shooting, but i don't seem to be getting very far. Since this has to do with art, I figured my fellow artists on the board would forgive my tech question in the art forum and give me some help.

Anyway, I bought wacom graphire 3 last night, and while it installs the hardware okay, the drivers are not installing correctly. I can draw with the tablet, but it's primitive. There is no pressure sensitivity and no angular sensitivity. I've turned these all on in photoshop, but the trouble lies in the tablet software, I believe. If i click on it in my programs menu, an error comes up that says: "THE TABLET DRIVER WAS NOT FOUND."

Can someone PLEASE help me? I am absolutely at my wit's end.
uninstall then try and re-install...

follow whatever instructions that came with the tablet...
hmm, i had a similar thing happen when i first installed my intuos3.. I just tried installing it a different way, which seemed to jog it into working. I also found the USB HUB had died, so if your using one of those, check its working, mine seemed to die the second it saw the intuos.

Try unplugging and installing the drivers, rebooting, plugging it in before installing etc. and so on.

Also check the hardware settings, see if its having any problems/conflicts
Well, I am using the USB port on the front of my PC, I'll switch it on over to the back where the main ports are and see if that changes...

I'll also try some mix and match when it comes to rebooting and such.

And what do you mean by checking the hardware settings... do you mean the Device Manager?

Thanks a lot.
Glo-Boy said:
Well, I am using the USB port on the front of my PC, I'll switch it on over to the back where the main ports are and see if that changes...

I'll also try some mix and match when it comes to rebooting and such.

And what do you mean by checking the hardware settings... do you mean the Device Manager?

Thanks a lot.
yeah the device manager, my bad.

I think mine pretty much just righted itself in the end.
I get problems with my driver cutting out sometimes at work, twitching the mouse gets it to activate again though. But the software not working is bizarre, have you tried different driver versions?
I've had similar problems off and on. If a restart and a driver reload doesn't seem to help, sometimes if I reset the application-profile thingy (if you use the feature), or delete it for the program I use, and sometimes it'll work with pressure sensitivity at least. If you don't use that, then i dunno. (It's in the tablet's 'control panel' tab if you're not aware of it, BTW)

wacoms' drivers have always seemed kinda flakey to me.
I have had silimar problems on and off, I found that the solution to this problem was to use the Intuos3 mouse and then use the pen again. Also, just to make sure your not stupid, go into control pannel and fina Wacom Tablet properties, open this up and go to your pen (it will already be active if the pen is active on the actual board. Now look in the bottom left hand corner at the preasure sensitivity. It will tell you how much preasure you are using. This will show you if its actually calculating the preasure or not. Also, make sure your using the correct brush in photoshop :D
Maybe the settings, if default are too high, as in the amount of pressure needed to make a heavy stroke is minimal, change those see if it helps.

When your grip pen/airbrush doesn't respond, just flip it around, touch the board with the eraser, then its fine.
Got it fixed - Wacom was very helpful.

The problem was that McAfee was not allowing the drivers to be installed to system32. Thanks for everyone who helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm about to post my first drawing!