Tailor Made PC's


Nov 6, 2003
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Does anyone know a good website in the UK where I can select the PC parts I want and they will build it for me?

I was thinking of putting it together myself but I may just get a tailor made one put together if possible and if not too expensive.

If anyone knows any good sites I would really appreciate it...

Cheers, GSW
I priced up one similar to mine and it was costing like £1,000 when mine cost me like £800
Thanks very much for the replies.

I'm going to have a look at the website you recommended.

I found pcspecialists.co.uk earlier and it seems quite good. I priced up a completely customised high end computer on their site for £2100 and when I added up the parts from overclockers.co.uk, it turned out the same (obviously they make money because the parts they buy are discounted as they buy them in bulk).

Could someone have a quick look at their website and tell me if you think they look alright?

I don't want to spend 2 grand on a PC and then get bad customer support or a dodgy PC or anything :S

Thanks guys!!! :cheers: