Take notice Jack Thompson: PS3 kills


May 5, 2004
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Eighteen-year-old Peyton Strickland of Wilmington, North Carolina, accused of robbing a student of two Playstation 3 consoles at the system's launch, died Friday after being shot by police intending to search his home and arrest him.

The victim of the theft was another student who had waited in line for three days to buy the two consoles at a local Wal-Mart. While transporting the consoles, four men drove up in a gold Pontiac, battered him with a blunt object, and took the hardware by force.

The police went to Strickland's apartment on Friday evening intending to serve a search warrant and arrest him. One of Strickland's three roommates, Mike Rhoton, told the Star-News that the student was killed while walking to answer a knock at the door. The roomate also claimed that Strickland was unarmed, and that he could see no reason why the police opened fire. Strickland's German shepherd was also shot and killed by a deputy. The sheriff's deputies had been called in to help the University police serve the warrants because of safety concerns.

wow were cops afraid of the thief's l33t skillz cuz he had spent a lot time training with video game murder simulators?


edit: sorry Uriel, I truely didnt see your thread before posting mine ...you beat me fair and square by a few mins
ya but ned flander's thread has a link to fox"news" ...you cant take a thread seriously that links to fox"news" ...everybody knows that!!!

actually my fault cuz I got called away before finishing, so when I came back I just hit submit without checking
police1:"shoot before he pull out the plasma blade"
police2:"yeah that thing kill you fast"
Or maybe it was because he and his buddy's violently stole the ps3.
I vote "bumbling keystone cops trip over handgun causing the death of PS3 thief"

although I changed my mind from my initial choice:

"Cops shoot ps3 owner to keep console for themselves"

btw OT but funny nonetheless ..in a recent report on police officers in my home town, 2/3 were considered overweight ...heh the pigs really are the pigs <oink oink>
Well, whoever that was died famous. Or, got famous bacause he died, just like Jesus
zomg quick its ze wallhax he can see uz open za fire

no but thats messed up. But im sure we arent getting the full side of the story.
what I want to know is why would someone be so desperate for a PS3? Although, I suppose they weren't expecting to get beaten to death ..
he died because he was shot by cops ..the person who had their ps3 stolen was just roughed up, he didnt die
the victem bought 2 of them ..he obviously wanted to make some money ..he could have made $1000 from the sale of both of them ..not bad for a few days "work"
Fair point. What's the big deal with the PS3 anyway, I'm happy with my PS1
Fair point. What's the big deal with the PS3 anyway, I'm happy with my PS1

It's new, and some big companies are saying it's the years best christmas present, so parents FLOCK to that shit. I mean, look at the Tickle Me Elmos 10th annys....they are the stupidest present EVER, but they sell for a pretty penny.
If you haven't been in wilmington then you won't quite get why the cops would be so hostile at times.
It's new, and some big companies are saying it's the years best christmas present, so parents FLOCK to that shit. I mean, look at the Tickle Me Elmos 10th annys....they are the stupidest present EVER, but they sell for a pretty penny.

Yeah, never worked on my parents. ever see that episode of The Simpsons where Bart gets a golf game? Thats my parents!

I had a furby once. Didn't beat my old computer though. Games consoles have never impressed me.
Yeah, never worked on my parents. ever see that episode of The Simpsons where Bart gets a golf game? Thats my parents!

I had a furby once. Didn't beat my old computer though. Games consoles have never impressed me.

Haha, I still have my Furby :D
police1:"shoot before he pull out the plasma blade"
police2:"yeah that thing kill you fast"
Hahahahaha. ****ing win.

Did I read right that he was shot while answering the door? Was that before or after the police were already inside?
You guys don't have the full story....

"The police were serving a warrant for the 2 ****tards. They were being arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and robbery.

They beat the expletive out of the kid who had the PS3s. They had a weapon when they robbed him. It was regarded as a "high-risk" warrant. Criteria for a warrant to be considered "high-risk" is a violent criminal who is armed. These douchebags met the criteria. When a high-risk warrant is being served weapons are drawn and if something appears to possibly be a weapon it is treated as such."
Oh my god. Computer games have made humans fight over possessions! Soon people will start killing each other over wealth, or religion! It's the end of the world as we know it! Run! Run! Ruuuuun!
Soon people will start killing each other over wealth, or religion!
Don't be paranoid! :hmph:
People will coninue to live in communal harmony and peace, just as they have for time immemorial. /sarcasm
Don't call down the thunder, and you won't reap the whirlwind.

Or something.
He died for Sony.

Just one more soul for them I guess.
Apparently he was shot seven times in the head too. That's just not cool, even if he did do a scumbag thing in the first place.

Also, apparently his dad is a wrongful death attorney-which may just be the most fantastic bit of irony-ever.
"Both Strickland and mills were wanted for armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and breaking and entering after allegedly beating a UNCW student and stealing two Sony PlayStations two weeks ago."

You wonder why they were shot? Coming to the door with a black controller in your hand isn't the smartest thing to do when police arrive....

"NewsChannel 3 obtained a copy of the search warrant in the case. In it were pictures detectives found on Ryan Mills's web site. He's shown posing with assault rifles, shotguns and pistols.

The warrant says officers were told that Mills was known to carry a gun with him.

Mills and Strickland were in the house together when deputies arrived to arrest them. But authorities still aren't saying why they felt compelled to use deadly force."
Man they killed his dog too. The blood on the porch here is the dog's blood. ;(
