Take that ****ers!


Jan 25, 2009
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US Loses Its Fat Supremacy
You can scratch off the United States from the list of the world's fattest nations, according to an exhaustive country-by-country report on obesity published last week in The Lancet. We're not even in the top-10 anymore.

Truth be told, in all these years we thought we were the fattest, we really weren't. The United States was merely the most corpulent industrialized nation. The far fatter island nations of Nauru, Samoa and just about everywhere else in Oceania surpassed the U.S. obesity rate decades ago with the introduction of American favorites such as Spam and soda pop.

But move over, everybody, because here comes the Middle East. The fattest industrialized nation is now the United Arab Emirates, with an average body-mass index (BMI, or a calculation based on height and weight that estimates a person's fatness) of 28.9, followed closely by Qatar at 28.5.

The fattest of the fat

Those with a BMI over 25 are considered overweight; those with a BMI over 30 are considered obese. The average BMI in the United States is 28.4 — that's lower than Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (technically not industrialized nations) and the same as Egypt.

So, in the world ranking, the United States settles in at around number 20. The women save us: U.S. men are the 10th fattest, but U.S. women rank number 36 in BMI.

There's nothing to be proud about, though, according The Lancet study, led by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health and the World Health Organization. The United States isn't losing weight; the rest of the world is simply gaining weight at a faster pace.

We still are fatter than Mexico, with its average BMI of 28.1, but probably not for long.

Oceania, sadly, is the biggest mess, according to The Lancet report. The dubious honor of being the fattest nation goes to Nauru, whose people have an average BMI of 34.5. Nearly every single adult on this island is overweight, and over 80 percent are obese. The islands of the South Pacific dominate the top-10, and the majorities of these populations are diabetic. Their once healthy diet of fish and vegetables has been replaced nearly entirely by canned and processed foods.

Genetic connection?

Few countries have average BMIs in the healthy range of 20 to 25, The Lancet study reveals. This is seen only where people are starving, such as in Ethiopia (average BMI of 20.4), or where people eat a sensible diet dominated by vegetables, such as in Japan (average BMI of 22.7).

Asia, in fact, is the only region with the average BMIs below the overweight range. Much of South America has crossed into the 26 BMI range, and the average BMI in Europe and Australia is approaching 27. The United Kingdom is the fattest European country, with an average BMI of 27.1.

Still think the obesity epidemic has something to do with genetics? Perhaps. Genetic risk factors apparently include being African, Arabic, European, Eurasian, Pacific Islander, Native American, and Asian living outside of Asia.

For those who like to be number 1, remember that the United States still has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and homicide among industrialized nations. No one should be touching that record anytime soon. Go USA!

I for one can eat a horse and still not gain a pound. I have a high metabolism and usually lose the weight I gain from either laughing or just having good genes :D
I for one can eat a horse and still not gain a pound. I have a high metabolism and usually lose the weight I gain from either laughing or just having good genes :D

Also means you'll die faster when you're trapped without food.
****ing Oceanic people are fat ****s

lol **** you ****ing ****! jk bro

my friend is both Puerto Rican and Sicilian and is skinny as ****. So to me the Atlantic Ocean dwellers and Mediterranean people are pretty slim, and outside this area are fat sumo wrestlers, Samoans, and Eskimo ****ers. this is all based on my anecdotal evidence though, so don't take my word on it
I'm not sure we even have any fat people on this site.
I'm not sure we even have any fat people on this site.

'grats, fellow americans. Party at my place. Fried foods and cola for everyone.
'grats, fellow americans. Party at my place. Fried foods and cola for everyone.

can I bring some delicious pizza wrapped in bacon that is deep fried in pig fat? I can also bring my amazing Reese's no bake brownies those are a good desert.
I can confirm this.

:laugh: that's quite well humored of you

To be fair, I'm from the former fattest state in the United States of Fat Souls: Wisconsin. Since then Fatsissipi took the fat throne.
:laugh: that's quite well humored of you

To be fair, I'm from the former fattest state in the United States of Fat Souls: Wisconsin. Since then Fatsissipi took the fat throne.
Ugfghj. If I ever finally get going on my murder-suicide rampage I'm taking every fatass down here with me.
Yet the stereotype of the fat american f*ck eating his Mcdonalds will always exist.
You're just sad that Aussies are now lard-asses.
You're just sad that Aussies are now lard-asses.

Now? Haven't we always been? It doesn't bother me anyway, just because we share a continent, it doesn't mean I'm going to be embarrassed on behalf of fatties.
Regardless, I said stereotype, congratulations to the alleged majority of the US for ceasing to be "lard-asses" like us.
You all make me so sad. We're not all bad, and we don't all just not give a damn!
Now? Haven't we always been? It doesn't bother me anyway, just because we share a continent, it doesn't mean I'm going to be embarrassed on behalf of fatties.
Regardless, I said stereotype, congratulations to the alleged majority of the US for ceasing to be "lard-asses" like us.

I dislike fatasses, anyway. I see them around me and I have this HNNNNNGGGGG GO AND EXERCISE GODDAMNIT reaction.
In December 2007, newly elected Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced that his country would no longer make use of the Nauru detention center, and would put an immediate end to the "Pacific Solution". The last remaining Burmese and Sri Lankan detainees were granted residency rights in Australia.


The dubious honor of being the fattest nation goes to Nauru, whose people have an average BMI of 34.5. Nearly every single adult on this island is overweight, and over 80 percent are obese.

See what happens when we don't send skinny refugees all over the pacific.
Having said that I always wondered how the US could have been fatter than some of those pacific islands. Every time I see people from one they're always huge.
You all make me so sad. We're not all bad, and we don't all just not give a damn!

Are you representing fatties or Buddhists? Either way I'm suddenly compelled to give you a bellyrub.
I always thought the 'AMERICA! F*CK YEAH!!!' mentality was just a parody of extreme patriotism. But no. I've met America.
America really is like that.


I'm content with the lingering post-imperial malaise that is the UK.
In the U.K most of the fat people are localised in one place. We call it Scotland, OLOLOLOLOL. No, I'm just kidding. But there are fatties. Especially in Scotland.
I wonder where the thinnest place on Earth is?
I wonder where the thinnest place on Earth is?

Chile. It truly is anorexic. How else do you think they managed to pull the workers from that shaft? They had true Chilean spirit!
