Tales of Vesperia

That looks fantastic, and I love the cell-shading
Did anyone play the previous game, and was it any good?
I tried a demo for tales of symphonia, which was fantastic, but I didn't have the resources to buy it
Symphonia was great, I quite liked the battle system. Too bad I have no 360.
Love the Tales series. Was very happy to hear about this one. Some seriously beautiful screenshots. Hopefully the gameplay will hold up as well as the other titles on other systems....
The voices /o\

I enjoyed Symphonia, but god damn if the voice acting wasn't the most annoying ever. I'd get this is there was the option for subtitles, but doubt that'll be the case. And why are jrpg rosters always filled with kids these days?
Looks... okay. I've been pretty underwhelmed by the japanese RPGs on 360, but the Tales series has a pretty good pedigree I guess. Not that I've actually played one since Tales of Phantasia. :P

Really not liking the voice acting or character design. I really wish they'd use a more realistic fantasy anime style, like something you'd find in Princess Mononoke or the other Ghibli films. Less pink hair plz.


Is that dog smoking a ****ing pipe? :|

Okay, I'm sold.
But look at the dude in black. It doesn't get gayer than that.