

The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I decided to not get a multi-effect pedal, as the cheap ones suck-ass and the good ones are like $500, so I won't even try until I can get that kind of money, but something else caught my eye..

A Talkbox for the guitar.

They apparently are cheap, so should I save and get one?

They look fun, and looks like it'd be better then a wah-pedal (heh). I'd be able to do robot voices and everything.. Are they worth it?

Keep in mind I've never had any effects for my guitar besides my amp's built in distortion and overdrive (which by the way aren't that strong..).
I think it'd be pretty cool. Go for it.
I have one, and they're not that great. Basically like a whispy wah for the high frequencies. It's a neat effect to play around with, but you'll rarely use it in any music.

I'd save up for a good multi-effect. I have the VOX tonelab, which I got for $300.
I have the Boss ME-50, which I got for free, but also costs $300.

theotherguy, your testimony sounds a bit biased. Not everyone's talkbox sounds like yours, and there are vids on youtube that sounds great, not just in high frequencies.
You'd probably need to get a good quality Talkbox though.
I'd suggest saving up for a Multieffect's pedal so you can get an idea what each effect sounds like.
You'd probably need to get a good quality Talkbox though.
I'd suggest saving up for a Multieffect's pedal so you can get an idea what each effect sounds like.
lolwhat? And then what?

You don't need to save up for an expensive multi effects unit just so you can hear what the effects sound like. You can find that out online.
Before investing in any kind of effects I'd ask you to consider getting yourself a much sturdier, more powerful amp. Half the battle is getting the right tone so if your trying to run a talkbox through a 30 watt amp or something, it's going to sound pretty poor.
i love talk boxes, they make you sound pretty cool
listen to some daft punk, youll sound like that
lolwhat? And then what?

You don't need to save up for an expensive multi effects unit just so you can hear what the effects sound like. You can find that out online.

Ahh, true, but I always find those samples rather unlife like, it's more my preference.

Good point though, it'd probably be better to go to some music store and try out pedals.