Tank Smoke Grenades


Oct 20, 2004
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Does any1 ever actually use the smoke nades on tanks or APCs( when ur driving)?
I never seem to see other people using it; I sometimes do but often just end up blinding myself and then gtting shot by a LAW.
I love it..gives me cover to retreat when too many beeping red x's appear.
I didnt even know tanks or APCs had smoke launchers... so no, I never used them.
i do, usually if i spot another tank infront of me, ill get the first shot off, then release the smoke, manuevre to a different position and fire again, its good for infantry attacks too, gives them cover as they come in behind you...
I love em, cant use them enough. Covering your men while attacking over a bridge etc, chuck one in the middle and allow them to cross. getting raped by anti tank u use em and run away, or if you are in a losing battle with another piece of armour, you get the smoke going, hide or sneak round behind him and give him noe in the arse =). Im suprised about how many ppl dont know / use them. TSK!
I use it when I'm taking a flag, I figure any little Spec-Ops or Anti-Tank might get lagged by the smoke or something :P

It's also pretty helpful when you have a helo bearing down on you
If you get good enough the smoke doesn't really have a purpose, a good helo pilot will still hit you and a good anti-tank will still hit you.
Yeah, I agree with Foxtrot...plus your name tag shows up through the smoke :P
if the other tank is facing the other way, a good tactic is to fire your smoke, keep moving and fire a shot. enemy tank sees the smoke and assumes your in it, while you circle around and get another hit. If you do it right, you get 2 hits in before the other tank even gets a fix on you.
smoke is wondefull, it may not protect you that much but the assulting troops behind are greatfull for the cover you provided them.
I use it when im assaulting and get attacked, or if I get ambushed, allot of times I forget to use it.
It's great for trying to find cover.

Throw the smoke and then duck to the side, it works if the enemy is not expecting it and you could get away scratch free.
I use it all the time. Its helped me get out of some hairy situations. If I've been ambushed, I usually pop some smoke to cover my tracks while I high-tail it out of there.
I use them when the tank is about to blow up, I smoke and run. I prefer being on foot, so any chance I get to hop out of the tank I will take.
I only use it near recently capped flags to give my infantry buddies a bit of cover.
Pesmerga said:
I only use it near recently capped flags to give my infantry buddies a bit of cover.
to bad they don't stop artly :(