Tanker in Aftermath?



Remember how much talk they made about a tanker level in HL2? The model used for Cubbage was supposed to be the captain of the ship. I remember seeing a good deal of pictures from inside the tanker, and I imagine it'd be quite easy to just put it in Aftermath if it's mostly done. Maybe just some tweaking to fit the story.
Unless Cubbage sails away out of C17 with Gordon on board?
Nah, they're saving it for simultaneous release alongside Half-Life 2: The Big Shell. You play as Gordon in Tanker, Raiden in the Big Shell.
kupoartist said:
Nah, they're saving it for simultaneous release alongside Half-Life 2: The Big Shell. You play as Gordon in Tanker, Raiden in the Big Shell.

If I have to deal with Rose, I won't buy it :p
Dalamari said:
If I have to deal with Rose, I won't buy it :p

But screwing with her is the best part! Ah, those where the days, when there were plenty of birds to be shot and panties to be photographed.
BaconIsGood4You said:
But screwing with her is the best part! Ah, those where the days, when there were plenty of birds to be shot and panties to be photographed.
That would be cool to fight your way through a tanker. And why not? It's not just going to be 6 straight hours of streets and apartments. There could certainly be an abandoned tanker somewhere that could fit in the game for 10 minutes...
yes, i reckon the tanker should some how be reincorporated into the hl series, i mean, when i saw the first shots for hl2, the best feature that attracted me was the tanker level, Gordon freman, blowing away combine soldiers...ON A BOAT...in the middle of the ocean.......MGS2 eat your heart out!!!! i wanted that level. Plus the shots from the engine room looked frickin awesome!!!
scarecrow1 said:
Plus the shots from the engine room looked frickin awesome!!!
They DID... take a look now; they're decidely fuggly.
Wasn't there supposed to be a tanker level in a very early version of HL1 or am I just going slightly mad?
Eejit said:
Wasn't there supposed to be a tanker level in a very early version of HL1 or am I just going slightly mad?

Nah, that was part of a big inane joke going round.. there were massive arguments on PHL years ago about how, in early releases of HL1, there was the code for a level, that had been removed in development, set on an oil tanker, and also an underground cavern with live dinosaurs in it...! I kid you not. I almost became convinced until I realised the whole thing was a massive intentional windup.
I don't see why not, really. We've already been down to the docklands area. What I imagine is getting everyone fleeing from C17 onto the Tanker for safety. However, that sounds too familuar to a film which I can't put my finger on. Either way, thats one of the thoughts I have for 'what might happen in the next game/expansion/whatever Aftermath is'
The bleeding, are you thinking of the scene from the recent version of War Of The Worlds? Another similar scene is in Enemy At The Gates, where people are evacuated from a large area of Stalingrad before it the Germans begin shelling it, IIRC.
pomegranate said:
The bleeding, are you thinking of the scene from the recent version of War Of The Worlds? Another similar scene is in Enemy At The Gates, where people are evacuated from a large area of Stalingrad before it the Germans begin shelling it, IIRC.

Thats the one! WOTW! And thinking about it, yes, Enemy at the Gates, too.

I guess the Combine could throw all they've got at the tanker. And have striders appearing out the water! Or am I going to far into WOTW now.
Yeah that would be pushing the similarities a bit far!

btw whereabouts in our fair part of the world are you, if you don't mind?
pomegranate said:
Yeah that would be pushing the similarities a bit far!

btw whereabouts in our fair part of the world are you, if you don't mind?

It would look cool, though. ;D

Perton, Wolverhampton, which is a short (short being one hour and about 30 tram stops later) Metrotram ride from Birmingham. Although I much prefer being in Birmingham to here.
Someone post a link to these tanker screenshots, never seen 'em myself.

/and yes I did google it, ass.
Well have a look around Half-Life websites - planethalflife would be your best bet.

No-one has got a link to the pictures sitting under their hat.
The tanker doesn't sound like a terribly good escape route to me, especially the Ice Breaker type. If the apocalypse was happening right over my head, i'd want something A LOT faster. I guess you guys would go to any length to squeeze something into the game huh? :p
pomegranate said:
Nah, that was part of a big inane joke going round.. there were massive arguments on PHL years ago about how, in early releases of HL1, there was the code for a level, that had been removed in development, set on an oil tanker, and also an underground cavern with live dinosaurs in it...! I kid you not. I almost became convinced until I realised the whole thing was a massive intentional windup.

Don't forget the "alternate ending" where you "befriend" the Nihilanth by pressing E, and the secret where you noclip to a room and the G-Man tells you he's your father. They almost had me convinced too until they started making all these ludicrous claims of Valve trying to cover up this content and all updates deleting it, and only the first first edition releases contain them.
The icebreaker back then didn't look much, but I'm sure if Valve spruced it up it'd look awesome.
wasnt the tanker for CS: S or testing the engine
No, it wasn't. The icebreaker had many uses, the beginning of HL2, the route to Kraken base etc but that was all cut.
kupoartist said:
The tanker doesn't sound like a terribly good escape route to me, especially the Ice Breaker type. If the apocalypse was happening right over my head, i'd want something A LOT faster. I guess you guys would go to any length to squeeze something into the game huh? :p

We're talking people of C17 here, not just Freeman, Alyx, Kliener or someone else like Barney. I doubt there would be anything else big enough around to hold everyone else other than a large tanker. Not like theres going to be speed boats just moored up to the docks, one for each person.
The icelocked tanker was one of the few things I was truly sad to see didn't make the final cut in HL2, because I like my arctic and boat levels, I do...

However there's no chance in Aftermath, unless there's a tanker beached in the middle of City17. Escaping out to sea in it doesn't sound like such a great idea either, since it's full of leeches and monsters (and it's a cheesy idea anyhow).

I thought it would be cool to maybe see it in HL3, but then it's such old news now that it would probably be better for Valve to just come up with something new. They could always do a Lost Coast type thing with it I suppose, I would definitely play something like that.
kupoartist said:
Nah, they're saving it for simultaneous release alongside Half-Life 2: The Big Shell. You play as Gordon in Tanker, Raiden in the Big Shell.
this is kind of late to say this now, but ^^this^^ is freakin hilarious!
This thread got me started looking for the pre-Half-Life stuff. I started playing this game in 2001 and have just realized their was cut levels of Half-Life just like Half-Life 2. I d/l once a weird Half-Life level from Kazaa because the file said it was the HL2 alpha but it was'nt. Barney and Dr.Kleiner was in the level with your glock and all you could do was run around. I dunno what it was but everything looked very beta'ish. Anyways I found this site here: http://www.planethalflife.com/nostalgia/index.html It's the, "Half-Life Nostalgia Act" website.
OMG! You gotta watch the movies on this site. They have Kevin Birdwell, etc interviews. Plus they have videos of deleted enemies and levels, wow! :bounce:
hool10300 said:
OMG! You gotta watch the movies on this site. They have Kevin Birdwell, etc interviews. Plus they have videos of deleted enemies and levels, wow! :bounce:

link ?
hool10300 said:
OMG! You gotta watch the movies on this site. They have Kevin Birdwell, etc interviews. Plus they have videos of deleted enemies and levels, wow! :bounce:

Don't double post to post something completely off topic.

Blackmesadude - it is in his first post.