Tantalizing Freedom


Aug 14, 2003
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As I said in the HL2 SDK thread, I would post details about my mod. Here they are.

Tantalizing Freedom

The year is 2004. The nation is on high alert in many places in the country. New York, Washington DC, and Las Vegas just to name a few. Many high priority targets are neglected and that is a mistake, as many will see.
On a warm spring day on April 24th a small car packed with a nuclear bomb drives up to the Outer Bridge during evening rush hour. The driver, a terrorist, detonates the bomb, obliterating Staten Island New York and some parts of New Jersey. In all of the mass confusion, a rumor starts going around that terrorists have landed on the wasteland that was Staten Island. Your mission is to investigate the detention site and search for terrorists. Armed to the teeth with top of the line equipment, your force of 15 special forces soldiers from around the world are sent to carry out the mission.
Your team splits up. 8 search for terrorists and 7 search for survivors and the investigate the detonation site. When you and your team gets to the detonation site you surprisingly see nothing. No people. No body parts. Only cars and twisted metal are seen from the Kill Van Kull. Your team radios the party of 8 searching for terrorists, reporting they see nothing. the other team report the same when mysteriously the radio connection loses transmission and cuts out.
You set out to find your fellow soldiers. But, when you get there you find out something happened that might obliterate the Earth and the human race as we know it...

NOTE: This is still a working storyline. I will make changes. Enjoy for now be sure to post comments and rants. Please keep the criticism constructive. If you hate it don't just say, "I hate it." Please tell me why you feel that way. I would appreciate it. :)
This is a car the bomb was in. IT won't leave a whole effect like Hiroshima. It will be a mixture stealth action and all of that jazz. Some missions you will use stealth others you won't. Also Why use spy satellites? These are terrorists you are dealing with. If they are there you should take them out ASAP. This won't be exactly realistic. The terrorists tampered with a nuke that caused a terrible thing to happen. I will not tell you much more about the story because there is a huge surprise near the middle/end of the game. Like I said this game will make you soil your pants. Tantalizing Freedom is a cool name. I heard it in a song and I liked. Hence, the name of the mod. Anything else, just ask.
Sorry but in my opinion (ah the ever useful defence shield ;)) the name sounds a bit silly. Tantalising does not seem to be a very strong adjective to use, it has too many syllables, and from the story revealed so far it doesn't fit. If you can tell us more about the storyline then perhaps we could help with names (if you want to change it).
Murray_H said:
Sorry but in my opinion (ah the ever useful defence shield ;)) the name sounds a bit silly. Tantalising does not seem to be a very strong adjective to use, it has too many syllables, and from the story revealed so far it doesn't fit. If you can tell us more about the storyline then perhaps we could help with names (if you want to change it).
I think "George Burn's Oops there goes the planet" makes for a much better title
More will come tomorrow. THis is due to the slowness of my IP. Please be patient.
The gameplay will be a mix of action and stealth depending on the mission type. You will have a wide array of weapons and item to choose from or you can let the computer choose the best equipment for you. It will either be a forst person or third person shooter, depending on your preference. This will be a scary game. Not only will things jump out at you at unexpected moments but the enemies involved will make you shat your pants. It will be squad-based. This depends on how you take care of your teammates. If one of your teammates dies he/she is dead for the rest of the game. Too make this fair other team members will join at select points of the game. The radioactivity will be dealed with easily. Radioation protection suits:p. Though you have it is not invicible. If damaged enough it will lose some of its power and protection. The rumor of terrorists started like any rumor would start in the US. The US was afraid of terroists taking over an area in NY so they sent the task force in. I thought about the satellites and I am thinking about one of two things: Coincidentally the terrorists knocked out all US spy satellites so the government couldn't pinpoint their lacation. OR the government thought that there wouldn't be enough time to act if the terrorists were found, so they sent in the taskforce for immediate action in the case of contact with enemies. Also, Pen I know the car would be atomized. I never said ti wasn't. I am just saying the bomb wasn't enough to do the damage you think it could. If it were a real nuke, parts of NYC would be obliterated also. Any other questions just ask them. I have one question for you. Why do you care so much of the title. Many titles of games you love don't wake sense. Half-Life is the time for half the atoms in a radioactive substance to disintegrate. I don't even know what Deus Ex is. I am just trying to say, the title doesn't make a game good. If many don't like the title I will change it.
Uhm... ray_MAN... do you read Dominic Deegan? Or where the heck did you get "tantalizing" from?

And here, for everybody not familiar with this word:

--- quick definition ---
adjective: very pleasantly inviting (Example: "A tantalizing aroma")
adjective: arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach (Example: "A tantalizing taste of success")

btw... Deus Ex is derived from "Deus Ex Machina" in latin (translated: god outta the machine), and stands for a hero emerging from nowhere and saveing the world on his own (It's explained on the package somewhere if I remenber correctly)
Yeah the title will change. I looked it up and I was all, "That makes no sense." I am thinking. Someone want to help me? I am thinking "Doomed on Arrival" or "Abomination". Konfuzzy tantalizing freedom came from an Elton John song I heard on the radio.
Why don't you make it a Nuetron bomb? They completely obliterate humans etc... but leave all buildings etc... intact.

Idea for storyline: First rumor started saying terrorists invaded after the bomb went off, Government responds by looking with spy sattelites, finds nothing, then another rumor starts that terrorists are manuevering in sewers, and staying indoors. (After all, spy sattelites can't see thru walls).

I don't like the "a new threat which could possibly destroy the world." Keep it within the logical sphere. No aliens please! No "wierd new effect that causes all gravity to stop and time to slow down while animals inside move super fast and can't be killed." Keep the main enemies the terrorists. Maybe put in a goverment coming in with troops, secretly planning an invasion! Like maybe China, or Russia or something.

One thing I don't like about a lot of new games, is that getting through the single player is it's basically "get through it as fast as you can." Why don't you make it more like the old games used to be, arcade style games, where the object is to survive as long as you can, not to finish as fast as possible.

Just a few thoughts! Good luck on your mod.

How about something like "Ground Zero" or something like that.
Well the suprise are just mutated humans as a result of the bomb. The terrorists tampered with the bomb and they had no idea what it could unleash. There will also be mutated terrorists as result of the humans corrupting them.
The radiation probably wouldn't have time to cause any major mutations before it killed them. The best time for mutations to occur is during major growth periods or (even better) before birth. Most likely, all it would cause in full-grown adults is some form of cancer or another health problem. If the terrorists have been there long enough to reproduce in the radiation then it might work... but wouldn't the government have sent people in after them by that time?

I don't know... nor do I care at this point. I'm not going to care about what is going on in the mod scene until I actually get my hands on a copy of HL2.
Okay no mutations. Heh. I don't think a neutron bomb is a good idea. I want a city that looks devastaed. Not just biuldings stanfing tall and perfect while humans are dead. Off Topic: Is it just me or is the sky red. Outside of my house the sky is red...
How about a small hydrogen bomb? That would cause some destruction, and hydrogen bombs don't release radioactive particles... just a big boom. (Am I right? lol) This in turn, if I'm right about zero radiation, makes the terrorist beach-landing much more plausible, removes the need for the bulky radiation suits, and keeps the devastated look of the city.
The Neutron-bomb does obliterates as much as 1 big nuclear fission bomb (nuclear weapon) but the Neutron radiation exterminate every organic thing in a much bigger radius than the blast leaving a major area around it lk babywax sead - buildings intact but everyone dead - but still the epicentre would be a wasteland.
Now the Hydrogen-bomb is a simple basic - at 100 000 000 degrees Celsius the hydrogen in the air burns and blows causing the gigantic H-bomb explosion. But to achive 100 000 000 degrees temp. at least 6 or 7 medium fission bombs hv to be detonated on the same moment. But the radiation it causes is only from the inicial fission bombs so the radiation doesn't even touches the outskirts of the crater - 200 sqare miles. Your team could safely walk on the crater's outskirts if it was an H-bomb
Pendragon said:
But the very fact that the crater would be 200 miles wide sorta defeats part of the purpose, as I understand it. The neutron/fission bomb would necessitate rad suits, and the Hydrogen bomb would necessitate a new setting. .

200 miles is an example of one of the biggest. it could be smaller. As small as 5 or 10 miles wide.
And that's the crater. The shockwave would still destry craploads of land.

The H-bomb is ideal because it destroys massively without much radiation.
The team would just hv to move around avoiding the radiation since it moves lk a cloud and wind changes it's direction.
Check the attached image. As na example
The Neutron-bomb does obliterates as much as 1 big nuclear fission bomb (nuclear weapon) but the Neutron radiation exterminate every organic thing in a much bigger radius than the blast leaving a major area around it lk babywax sead - buildings intact but everyone dead - but still the epicentre would be a wasteland.
Now the Hydrogen-bomb is a simple basic - at 100 000 000 degrees Celsius the hydrogen in the air burns and blows causing the gigantic H-bomb explosion. But to achive 100 000 000 degrees temp. at least 6 or 7 medium fission bombs hv to be detonated on the same moment. But the radiation it causes is only from the inicial fission bombs so the radiation doesn't even touches the outskirts of the crater - 200 sqare miles. Your team could safely walk on the crater's outskirts if it was an H-bomb
Thanks! I didn't know much about it, just that the nuetron bomb killed mostly organic material. Very informative post!
Alternately, the terrorists could take a small plane (not necessarily a hijacked one :)) and use that to detonate the bomb very high up so the shockwave destroys the buildings. But then that is kind of implausible, as the terrorists would generally want to just obliterate the city.

Then again, the terrorists might want to use the buildings as cover for their beach landing, so in a way it is kind of plausible...
I wish this mod let you play the terrorist side...
It seems like a cool concept but it would be even nicer if you started out by planting the bomb while the city was still "alive", and then had to flee the scene only to participate in the Terrorist beach-landings (think small Omaha Beach scenario, but a bit more scirmish-y), and then had to work your way through the blasted remains of the city and all the way to Washington DC, where it would all end with a nice shootout in the Pentagon/White House.
Now THAT I would play!