K wasn't really sure where to post this but this semmed like the resonable place to do it, i aint advertisin or anything but i wanna know if this server me and a fellow tard will be starting sounds interesting to you and would you play in in (Source Server)
Reason for starting: The two ppl starting the server (me and another tard forg0tt3n:me Anthrax:tard 2) We know we are tards and we like counter strike so we thought why not start a server and clan for tards so we can lsander ppl on our own server (n00bs, non-tarded ppl, morons etc0)
Style of server: A normal server (Slightly tarded except after we run for a month on CZ we will switch to source and soon create a campers and counter-camper mod...sounds stupid but the way we got it figured out is great more deteails soon if enough interest is payed.
Requirements for clan memebershiip: Play fairly and normaly but you must be a little tarded.
Reason for starting: The two ppl starting the server (me and another tard forg0tt3n:me Anthrax:tard 2) We know we are tards and we like counter strike so we thought why not start a server and clan for tards so we can lsander ppl on our own server (n00bs, non-tarded ppl, morons etc0)
Style of server: A normal server (Slightly tarded except after we run for a month on CZ we will switch to source and soon create a campers and counter-camper mod...sounds stupid but the way we got it figured out is great more deteails soon if enough interest is payed.
Requirements for clan memebershiip: Play fairly and normaly but you must be a little tarded.