Tatooine Found!


Jul 19, 2011
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It's a real-life Tatooine. A spectacle made popular by the "Star Wars" saga — a planet with two suns — has now been confirmed in space for the first time, astronomers revealed.

Scientists using NASA's Kepler space telescope captured details of a giant planet in orbit around the pair of binary stars that make up the Kepler-16 system, which is about 200 light-years away.

"This discovery is stunning," said study co-author Alan Boss at the Carnegie Institute in Washington. "Once again, what used to be science fiction has turned into reality." [See an image and video of Tatooine planet Kepler 16b]

Well you know everything except the solid earth and sand.
I wonder what the conditions would be like in that type of orbit for a planet like ours.
I really hate it when science articles make media references in an effort to gain the attention of the general population. No, that is not Tatooine, and I hate Star Wars.
Yeah how dare they try and reach out to the greater populace by making harmless references to popular culture.

On the other hand,

Too bad they'll never find Alderaan.