Taxi Driver (Yet Another Classic Movie-to-Game Adaptation)

Oh, wow! I only saw this movie once, (Hey, I'm only 16) And was amazed at how good it was!

I'm sure the game will suck though... Unless they get someone GOOD to do it. Well, good thing it will be at E3.
When will people realise that just because you can see characters, it doesn't mean that games and films are the samething?
They're DEFINITELY not interchangable. 'Cause y'know - games make good subject matter for films, right? And games lasting for at least ten hours playtime can easily be adapted from films lasting two hours, right? Right?

Get some original ideas for God's sake. That goes for you doubly, LucasArts.
How can you make a game out of Taxi Driver? The only shooting was at the end.
Hey, Max Payne was good, and this movie would fit perfectly into that style. Especially the graphic novel part. You can only hope for the best!
DeusExMachinia said:
How can you make a game out of Taxi Driver? The only shooting was at the end.

My thoughts exactly.

I can already tell that this game will suck. DeNiro's character will be transformed into nothing more than a rampaging vigilante that kills hundreds of people before the blood clouds begin to settle. He also might have a rocket launcher.

Suck it.
this is just a bad business decision ...terrible in fact. I cant see how they could possibly make a game out of Taxi driver ....Travis Bickle is not a very good character to make into a video game
Woh, it's getting a little tight in here. I mean our atmosphere can only hold so much stupid before she pops.

I wish the world would end....right.......NOW!!!!.......shazbot....
Scarface...Godfather...Dirty Harry...
How many more have to die before they stop their reign of terror?!
They're doing Dirty Harry as well!?
Jesus, they'll be making Star Wars games next... <Shudders>
-reads script hesitatingly-
...Oh. no.
Not. Star. Wars. Game. s. !.
They wouldn't dare. make. them. games.
lmao. They wouldn't. be. that dumb!
Oh they would. And again. And again. And again. And again. And... Oh well you get the picture.
God, I hate LucasArts.
Dirty Harry?! NOOOOOOOOO....!!!

Great, Scarface was sooo much of an action movie... :upstare: argh..
Yeah maybe there'll be whole levels based around snorting coke.
hah crazy taxi would beat it hands down, nothing beats crazy taxi
All these movie to game conversions are all the same generic 3rd person shooters... i wish at least if they're going to rip off these films, be original...