Tea Party founder says Tea Party members are douchebags.


May 5, 2004
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never thought I'd say this but I like a member of the tea party

A financial blogger and ex-CEO credited with being one of the original "founders" of the Tea Party has come out against the movement,

In a "message" to the Tea Party Wednesday, Karl Denninger declared that he "ought to sue" anyone who uses the Tea Party name "for defamation."

"Yeah, that's a joke," he writes. "But so are you. All of you. Especially Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and douchebag groups such as the 'Tea Party Patriots.'"

He sounds like an upstanding gentleman. Also, Glenn Beck should be included in the group considered jokes/douchebags.
Glenn is just an entertainment figure. He is entertaining... telly tubys. No one with half a brain wants to watch them, but the fact that they even exist is baffling and as such interesting.
The issue with Beck isn't that he's entertaining so a lot of people watch him (although I can't see how he's entertaining, because I can't stand the sheer amount of obnoxiousness that comes from the guy in a standard minute), it's that his rhetoric is having a habit of inspiring people to send death-threats and in a few particular attempts, kill the people he denegrates nightly.
"I can't see how he's entertaining, because I can't stand the sheer amount of obnoxiousness that comes from the guy in a standard minute"

pretty much this. he's just annoying; even if his show wasnt about politics I wouldnt watch ..much like how I feel about Nancy Grace
I hugely enjoy watching Glenn Beck, I find it massively entertaining in a way I can't understand. I disagree with everything I've ever heard him say too.
I can't stand Glenn Beck, I only watch his show if I want to get angry and break stuff.