Teachers tell students Crazed gunman on loose ..later reveal just a test


May 5, 2004
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In America Fear owns JOO!!!

Teachers stage fake gunman attack on sixth-graders

MURFREESBORO, Tennessee (AP) -- Staff members of an elementary school staged a fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill as the children cried and hid under tables.

The mock attack Thursday night was intended as a learning experience and lasted five minutes during the weeklong trip to a state park, said Scales Elementary School Assistant Principal Don Bartch, who led the trip.

During the last night of the trip, staff members convinced the 69 students that there was a gunman on the loose. They were told to lie on the floor or hide underneath tables and stay quiet. A teacher, disguised in a hooded sweat shirt, even pulled on a locked door.

After the lights went out, about 20 kids started to cry, 11-year-old Shay Naylor said.

"I was like, 'Oh My God,' " she said. "At first I thought I was going to die. We flipped out."

I'd make them eat Fist of Stern if that were my kids ..seriously are they retarded? Fear has gripped america like never before ..it's made you all jump at shadows

We have nothing to fear except fear itself and retarded school-teachers.
What... the ****..... WHY?!

I'd make them eat Fist of Stern if that were my kids ..seriously are they retarded?
Stern sarcasm? I'm hoping so >_>

Edit - Wait, am I misreading that? I read it as you wanting to punch your kids... yeah nevermind :)
I dont think I'd actually punch them ..unless I was right there at the moment it happened ..but I'd surely go to the principle and freak out
The part that makes me sad is that no one tried to be a hero. I mean, for f*ck's sake, if you're going to die, die on your feet trying to do something. Cowering in fear is not something to be proud of, and I don;t think it should be expected of students.
Fear has gripped america like never before ..it's made you all jump at shadows

You're right.

We're all gullible idiots, following the views of our leader against the terrorists of the world. They were eleven years olds. What the **** else were they going to do? The age doesn't matter to a point. If you were told there was a gunman out to kill you, I'm sure you wouldn't be the heroic one to jump up and give the guy a straight one to the chin.
They were like 11, they wouldn't be a hero. If I were a parent there the teachers would've have been sued right up their asses.

EDIT: qonfused got there first.
I'm sure you wouldn't be the heroic one to jump up and give the guy a straight one to the chin.

No I would be the one hiding behind the door and whacking the gunman over the head with a frying pan (if I can find one) LOL
You're right.

We're all gullible idiots, following the views of our leader against the terrorists of the world. They were eleven years olds. What the **** else were they going to do? The age doesn't matter to a point. If you were told there was a gunman out to kill you, I'm sure you wouldn't be the heroic one to jump up and give the guy a straight one to the chin.

what the hell are you talking about? Fear as in the hysteria that leads teachers to lie to their students about crazed gunmen trying to kill them ...I didnt say the 11 year olds were wrong to fear the situation ....reading comprehension ftw
Writing clarification ftw.

Your general attitude towards America doesn't help my deciphering.
I wrote 2 sentences ..how can you misinterpret it to mean that the kids were cowards when I said i'd beat up the teachers?
I understood what stern was saying right away. Sterns not some retard that would make fun of middle school students for being afraid of dying when their teachers basically told them they were going to die.

I think ive said this before, but I am getting the **** out of this nation as soon as I can. Things recently have become so insane (how else could I put it? Squirrels cause school lockdowns, teachers traumatize little children for the sake of practice, ridiculous religion bullshit, etc).Something nasty is going to happen to this nation soon, and I dont want to be here when it does.
Hopefully at some point we can have every intelligent person move out of the country, so that the only people left are these retards. Then we can just nuke the place and start over.
more like in mupfoffoff, tennessee. One school != America


And how about this?

At my school the security team has revamped their student ID policy to where if you dont have your ID hanging around your neck at all times on campus (even if your not going to class, your just on the premisis) you will have your name taken, put on record, have marks taken off your grade, and they will inform the police. Even if you have your ID in your backpack, in the class room.

It used to be that they just kick you off campus and tell you to go home and get your ID.
more like in mupfoffoff, tennessee. One school != America
But it didn't happen anywhere else in the world.

What's more, many countries face an ever present, real threat of terrorism and dont show this kind of paranoia.
We also don't make our babies fight pythons.

Our school district has something similar to this, only we're never told its "real," we know its just a drill. We had a pretty close scare once too when someone brought in a wooden gun for a play and the cameras picked up what looked like a kid with a gun. SWAT team came.

Most we ever get is bomb threats though. We get lots of those a year.
The students should fake one too, call it a drill
I hope you guys are implementing alien invasion drills as well.

Just to be on the safe side of course.
The students should fake one too, call it a drill

Haha to see how the teachers peform?

That would be great. Unfortunately they would get in a lot of trouble, despite doing the same thing that the teachers did to them.

I hope you guys are implementing alien invasion drills as well.

Just to be on the safe side of course.


Read the caption for the bottom left pic. :P
The part that makes me sad is that no one tried to be a hero. I mean, for f*ck's sake, if you're going to die, die on your feet trying to do something. Cowering in fear is not something to be proud of, and I don;t think it should be expected of students.

I hope you are being sarcastic. They were eleven for ****s sake.
This is appalling...scaring these young children, god only knows what the parents must think.
I misunderstood your post the first time I read it aswell, Stern. Hence my comment asking if you were being sarcastic, cause it didn't seem to match your usual sentiment :P

Nothing to freak out about anyway.

The part that makes me sad is that no one tried to be a hero. I mean, for f*ck's sake, if you're going to die, die on your feet trying to do something. Cowering in fear is not something to be proud of, and I don;t think it should be expected of students.
Okay numbers, lol.
teacher: now kids lets dance to a OMFG OSAMA BIN LADEN WHIT ANUCLEAR BOMB!
teacher: haha gotcha!
kids:*lying in the floor traumatized*
WTH??? Thats terrible that they didnt tell the kids about the drill. I'd be pretty freaked if that happened. At our schools they let you know beforehand (not much of a point IMO, apparently we must sit against a windowless wall for 2 hours).
Next week's lesson: Pretending to be a pedophile child rapist by kidnapping a little kid and tieing him up naked for an hour.

Because hey - staging traumatizing events in full realism is the perfect way to prepare them for the real thing... right?!