Team filter


Dec 27, 2004
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Does anyone have a tutorial (or could make one) for hl2dm on filtering people who spawn at a point and teleporting them to a certain spot?
Its similar to what was made here:
except I don't want to do a ctf map (quite yet). Snarkpit is down and their the only place that I could find that had what I needed. The link in that post is what had it.
I've been wondering the same thing, so I toyed with it and here's what I came up with (there may be better ways): You'll have the info_player_starts spawn on top of a trigger_multiple and two teleports all at once. The trigger_multiple points to a filter_activator_team, which sorts the teams. Depending on what team the player is on, one of the teleports will be enabled for them and bring them to the correct location for their team.

Basically you need to start with your info_player_starts spawning on a trigger_multiple. I've attached a picture of what the outputs tab for the trigger_multiple should look like. This in turn triggers a filter_activator_team, which you should name "teamfilter". Set 'filter mode' to "allow entities that match criteria". The next field, 'filter team number' is bugged:

Take note, the FGD is not correct in the team values, you have to enter them in yourself.
0 - Unassigned (mp_teamplay 0)
1 - Spectators
2 - Combine
3 - Rebels

For this example set it to "2", which means combine are allowed.

Then you need create two trigger_teleports under the info_player_starts. Name the first one "cteleport" with a 'remote destination' of "combine" and the second one "rteleport" with a 'remote destination' of "rebels". Also for both of the trigger_teleports, make sure you change 'starts disabled' to "yes".

Now that the teleports are set up, let's go back to the filter_activator_team and click on the outputs tab. It should look like the second picture I've attached.

From here simply create a set of info_teleport_destination entities for team 1 and name them "combine". Then create another set for team 2 and name them "rebels". With any luck it should be sorting out the teams now.
You can skip the trigger_multiples and just use a spawnpoint/teleport set, because teleports can have filters, and info_target is the teleport destination entity. Besides that, you've got it.
So I still have two teleports, both pointing to a filter_activator_team, and the filter_activator_team will test for, for example, combine. OnFail one of the telports is enabled, OnPass the other is enabled. These teleports are targeting an info_target. Right?

Also how could I get this to work with normal DM games?
Limpet said:
So I still have two teleports, both pointing to a filter_activator_team, and the filter_activator_team will test for, for example, combine. OnFail one of the telports is enabled, OnPass the other is enabled. These teleports are targeting an info_target. Right?

If you set the trigger_teleport's "Filter" to the filter_activator_team (having two teleporters and two filter_activator_teams, of course), you don't need to mess with the OnPass and OnFail and enabling and disabling and all that.

For normal DM games you'd need a third set of teleporters that can be used by people on team 0, or you could force teamplay mode for the map.
Oh ok, thank you very much guys.

Right now my map isn't going to be ctf so I don't think it needs to be forced into tdm. I might remake it into a ctf map aswell and thats when I ll force it into tdm. Thanks for the link btw.