Team Fortress 2 Blog Update: Gotta move that gear up!


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
A new post over at the TF2 blog has brought some recent community activity to light. Some of the more notable mentions:
  • About a billion or so people (we counted) emailed us links to the amazing Law Abiding Engineer trailer[/url]. If you've already seen it, make sure you check out the>side-by-side comparison with the original trailer, so you can truly appreciate OneMoreUser's work.[br]
  • The mysterious person behind the Guard Dog update has raised the bar on fake updates to an insane height with his latest opus, the fake Engineer Update! We're going to warn you ahead of time: Whatever we end up actually coming up with probably won't be as cool as the Chicken Cannon.[br]
  • Slightly older, but if you haven't played Dylan 'Steaky' Loney's Great Class Dash yet, you should head over and grab it right away.
[br]The TF2 community never ceases to amaze, and it's quite exciting to see what they can come up with. You can see the full post here.
That is some really cool stuff. Good job TF2 community, especially with that Law Abiding Citizen video.
I feel like if I havent added nothing worthy to tf2 :(

cuz well is true...
They weren't kidding when they claimed that the TF2 fanbase was full of intelligent and talented people. I guess just great games draw in a great crowd.
The Law Abiding Engineer, that is gold I would pay to watch that movie