Team Fortress 2 Free Weekend is Now Under Way


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
For those who haven't bought Team Fortress 2 yet, You can now download and play the full game this weekend only for free, including the new content just released in the TF2: Gold Rush Update.[br]
This free weekend is open to all players around the world. The Free Weekend ends Sunday, May 4th at 1pm PDT, so why don't you join the fun now!
I've gotten two of my friends to do it. Muhahahaha
Most of my friends who play PC games are CS whores and MMORPG WOW bastards, so I guess this means nothing to me. Wondering why Valve are doing this though, will this really help their marketing?

As a side note, I just clicked the previous thread button instead of quick reply, losing this post. Goddamit!
My friend just bought the Orange Box so Valve have gotten at least one sale out of this.
Got one friend to do this. He'll end up bying the OB eventually
I went on TF2 for the free weekend
I quickly learned my Graphix card cannot handle the game
Aw man, wish I had known about this while it was going on, I definitely would have made all my friends who I keep tellign about TF2 play.
I got two of my cousins to do this. Luckilly for them both were huge fans of TF for Quake and TFC.