Team Fortress 2 Major Summer Patch Released


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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Following up from the Dota 2 launch yesterday, Valve have released the latest major update for Team Fortress 2, which features a large number of significant gameplay changes outlined in blog posts released periodically over the past week. The unnamed update, which we will now call "The Summer Patch", is now live on the main game client and includes around 870 megabytes worth of new content from an extensive changelog covering everything from minor map tweaks to major weapon readjustments and 64 brand new Steam Workshop submitted "Gold Star" items.

The Demoman and Heavy hang out on cp_process, one of the new community maps included in the update.

On the mapping front, Valve have added two new community created levels (cp_process and cp_standin) and have updated a massive variety of older maps for the game's standard PvP play and the PvE Mann vs Machine gamemode. Both new maps are part of the age old Control Point gamemode, with Process featuring a standard 5 capture point layout and Standin boasting a unique layout with only 3 capture points, which can be captured/recaptured in any order, and must be captured by a single team in any order to claim victory. While we can't realistically detail all of the other major map changes here, a few highlights include a number of exploit fixes and clipping solutions on Dustbowl, Badlands, 2fort, Goldrush, Badwater Basin and several others. Sadly, while Hydro (the map everyone loves to hate) has been tweaked with the update, the changes made are minor and will not improve or solve any of the level's long standing issues regarding stalemates and tight choke points.

A huge number of the game's weapons also received substantial attribute improvements and adjustments in order to maintain gameplay balance. A few select tweaks include the removal of unfair bonuses for the "Hibernating Bear", "Medieval Medic", "The Gas Jockey's Gear", "Expert's Ordnance", "The Saharan Spy", "The Croc-o-Style Kit", and "The Special Delivery" item sets, an improved maximum overheal limit for the Medic's Quick-Fix medigun (which now reaches 50% of the standard overheal), an additional 40% cloak duration for the Spy's L'Etranger revolver, and added afterburn fire immunity for the Demoman's Chargin' Targe shield. Many more weapons and sets also received sizable changes, which you can read all about over at the official changelog over on the Team Fortress 2 blog or wiki.
Heavy is Gabe! (Yes, this made it into the game).


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Damn I need to re-install TF2. Love the sound of a lot of these changes, though not so keen on others. I especially like the sound of the Soldier Banner buffs. Also the Cow Manger is no longer a cluster****, though I'm still not going to use it.
First Dota 2 is released, now TF2 is updated, HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED.
They patched a lot of great things in this update, but they'll never be able to patch the horrible community.
And then everyone over at the Steam Community Discussions got really butthurt over the item set nerfs.
Funny thing is I was playing Team Fortress 2 for the first time in a long while and didn't even know there was going to be a patch coming up. Gonna go check it out. Sounds cool man.
Dang it Gearbox, quit making all this wonderful DLC for Borderlands 2 so I can get back to TF2! A revised Quick Fix sounds wonderful (and to those players who don't like it when I use the Quick Fix: suck it - I'm gonna heal you with it anyway. Maybe you should get shot less).