Team Fortress 2 Official Blog Update


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
There is a new post on Team Fortress 2 blog. There is also a new sub-page called movies where you can find all released team videos as well as a sneak peek of upcoming ones. Blog post mentions that scout update is nearly done and there is only some artwork left to do. [br]In addition Robin responds to few community questions such as: "When's the next update going to be out?" or "Why should I use Natascha? And doesn't she only do 66% damage, not 75%?".
You can visit blog by clicking this link.
i enjoyed the detailed backstory on the Movies page more than anything else.
Hey You! Yeah you — Action fan! Buckle up and hunker down as Valve launches an A-tomic jet fueled knuckle sandwich right into the doughy bread baskets of the world's battle game blowhards! Those other feeble fight games (and the old maids that play'em and the momma's boys that make'em!) better head for the fainting couch, because this one's the gut-grabbinest, gut-rippenest, strangle-you-with-your-own-grabbed-gutsiest battle thriller ever seared onto your monitor — with pixels that are 5% human blood!

It nice to know they still plan on making the movies for the rest of the classes it's been to long since the last one.
It nice to know they still plan on making the movies for the rest of the classes it's been to long since the last one.

Agreed. Though I hadn't doubted that they would eventually be made, it made me happy just to see the remaining 3 "Meet The ..." videos listed on an official Valve page.