Team Fortress 2 Update And Episode Two Stats


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Another Team Fortress 2 update has been released today. A lot of fixes and changes have been made in this update, including map changes for Hydro and Granary. You can find the full change list here.[br]
In other news Episode Two stats page is now up and running. You can find more info about the average completion time for EP2 and a lot of other information right there.
I love those death frequency maps, look how many people didnt make the first car jump. :D
Some people died on the first map of Episode Two... how is that possible?
Some people died on the first map of Episode Two... how is that possible?

Easy. While looking at the broken Citadel, jump over the side of the cliff. That's where most of the deaths are.

Though they say you can drown in just an inch of water... ;)
AAA! New music in TF2 menu sucks it sounds like from DoD
Awesome EP2 stats, awesome updates.

My roomate heard the new music, I restarted TF2 5 times, got nothing :(
Extract it with GCFScape, don't rely on chance! ;) Also, it is stored in your
...\Steam\steamapps\[account name here]\team fortress 2\tf\sound\ui
directory. But I think it needs to play at least once before it's transferred there.
"Fixed a bug in networking that would cause long stalls (up to 10 seconds) when a split packet would not be reassembled properly, which forced a full update to all clients!"

Thankgod. I thought it was my wireless, but this explains it :D
Wow @ the stats. I love valve for this, sharing all this info.
Yeah, the death maps are awesome. Although it's a little bit creepy too. Did they track how much time I spent ducking around alyx' booty ? :O
Less than half of the people who've got this game have got to the end, and 10% of people haven't even progressed further than the first map? Bizarre. Perhaps it cuts out when people enter sv_cheats 1 in the first map, or perhaps a lot of people start the game, get called for dinner / realise there is some crappy GFX problem and exit the game. When those things happen to me when I've just entered a game, I usually start from scratch...

It's interesting to note that the most drop off is experienced in the first two chapters, and that people who hang around to the 3rd are far more likely to stick it out right until the end. Shame the least entertaining chapters are first, hmm?

A whole 5% less people enabled commentary compared with Episode One. Shame.

edit: Anyone a member of the 0.4% exclusive group of people who squished every grub? That's the only one I haven't done. Interesting that more people have sent the gnome into space (1.1%).

edit2: I hope they don't make changes based on the data, an interesting thing to note though: the hardest points in Episode One where apparently considerably harder than the sections in Episode Two. In Hard Mode in Episode One, it peaks at a 18 death average on one point. In Episode Two, the highest is slightly shy of 11. Hopefully this will mean no tweaking. Unless Valve adds a 'I Played Episode Two when it was marginally less incredibly easy' t-shirt to the store.

edit3: (oh no you don't - sulk)
da statz liez. The Ely Vance died in my T-Minus One chapter. Iz my copy broke LOL
I think my favorite death map is the Dog vs Strider one. How the hell did those deaths on the bottom right happen?
Awesome stats. I love the map overviews but I wish there would be accompanying pictures so I could remember the locations a little better. :(
Having played a few matches on the revised granary map I can't say I like it that much. Once one team seems to get the upper hand on the fourth point it's only a matter of time before they overwhelm the defending team. I haven't yet seen a defending team successfully push back yet (maybe I was on shite teams though).
This is all a work in progress, it could change quite a bit as release time gets older. Are they still collecting Episode One data?