



I´m really interested in all the tecnological devices as throughout the game many real theoretical-physics-terms are used.....

1. What means STRING-based teleporting? I read some books from Stephen Hawkings but I can still find no relations between strings and teleporting....

2. What did Mossman mean by "dark matter equations"?
It seems that the combine uses Dark Energy to fuel their teleporting - any relations?

In Real Life Dark Matter is a term for not visible matter. Some scientists think that it represents matter from ohter dimensions which can´t be seen but affect OUR universe with gravity.......

3. How does this new human teleporter work wich uses Xen as a relay??
Is there a relation between the Gravity Gun and the human teleport system?

4. Is it possible that the Secondary Attack from the pulse Rifle is some sort of Dark Matter ...or a String ???
1. What means STRING-based teleporting? I read some books from Stephen Hawkings but I can still find no relations between strings and teleporting....
As far as I know string theory comes into teleportation because you can have 2 particals that imitate eachothers movements, intsantly (I think it's called entanglement). But nothing can move faster than the speed of light. So how is the information exchanged instantly? Scientists think if they can figure it out they may be able to teleport. At least, that's my understanding of it.

2. What did Mossman mean by "dark matter equations"?
It seems that the combine uses Dark Energy to fuel their teleporting - any relations?
Dark Energy equations I think.

In Real Life Dark Matter is a term for not visible matter. Some scientists think that it represents matter from ohter dimensions which can´t be seen but affect OUR universe with gravity.......
Maybe, I don't know

3. How does this new human teleporter work wich uses Xen as a relay??
If you've played Blue Shift you'll know that the old teleporters had to set up a relay station on Xen to teleport localy. That you had to go to Xen and then back to earth for a local teleport. The new ones cut out the station on Xen.

Is there a relation between the Gravity Gun and the human teleport system?
The GG is Zero-Point Energy, not string theoy or entanglment

4. Is it possible that the Secondary Attack from the pulse Rifle is some sort of Dark Matter ...or a String ???
My theory is that it converts matter into dark energy or something. They're used in the citadel too remember.
I'm no physics wizz kid, but I'll give it a shot.

When Mossman mentions String based, I assume she is meaning how they use several points to get from one place to another, rather than one big jump. Originally the Black Mesa scientists failed at teleporting large distances because they bumped into Xen, the border world. But now Eli and co are able to bypass it and use it as a slingshot - go around it.

There is relation in dark matter equations and the dark energy the Combine use. They use massive amounts of it when teleporting, and therefore it takes a long time to re charge. You can imagine how devastating the Citadel meltdown is going to be...

No relation to the gravity gun and Teleportation.

No, I don't think the pulse rifle secondary attack is dark matter.

I'm really no good at sciencey stuff so I'd take all this as a grain of salt :p
wickedWiTcHking said:

I´m really interested in all the tecnological devices as throughout the game many real theoretical-physics-terms are used.....

1. What means STRING-based teleporting? I read some books from Stephen Hawkings but I can still find no relations between strings and teleporting....

2. What did Mossman mean by "dark matter equations"?
It seems that the combine uses Dark Energy to fuel their teleporting - any relations?

In Real Life Dark Matter is a term for not visible matter. Some scientists think that it represents matter from ohter dimensions which can´t be seen but affect OUR universe with gravity.......

3. How does this new human teleporter work wich uses Xen as a relay??
Is there a relation between the Gravity Gun and the human teleport system?

4. Is it possible that the Secondary Attack from the pulse Rifle is some sort of Dark Matter ...or a String ???

1. there are many different types of string theory the most common ones use 10, 11, or 26 dimensions. I think what she means by string based teleportation is that you are sqeuzed down into one of these dimensions and shoot through it till you you fall through another rip(the receving teleporter.)
2. She never said dark matter eqautions she said Dark energy eqautions. Dark energy is the energy causing the universe to expande at a constant rate. If you don't factor it in then it can screw up where you end up, slow down the teleport, and more.
3. I agree with the sling shot theroy. no relation.
4.No I belive it is a close singularity not a singularity but as close to one as you can get.
The string theory for teleportation is VERY complex... But in it's simplest... You have in an atom electrons, protons and neutrons. electrons are just two waves of energy crossing (basically) and the protons and neutrons are made of quarks. What are the quarks made of? Strings. There are theoretically 11 or 12 strings, I forget, but it's basically like a big ball of yarn, each string wrapped and twisted around the others, and that means, if you put a force on one, they all respond. And then all the other protons and neutrons in the atom respond to the distressed proton or neutron, which results in the atom "jumping" around, literally appearing and reappering in no time at all (just like an electron in an atom doesn't move, they teleport around the energy levels of an atom. Don't belive it, look it up) and so the theory is that there may be a way to "tug" on some of the strings of a certain object's atoms and get it to teleport.
Oh yeah didn't think about that but do you think you could do that with out harming the object in qeustion?
THX for the answers...

..but I still think there COULD be a relation between the Gravity Gun and the teleporting system since manipulating the zero point energy field could also affect the structure of all the dimensions...

Another thing: I forgot that they mention "Calabi-Yau" in the game which is an important thing.... It means that there are several other dimensions "beneath" our dimension. Those dimesnions are needed because otherwise the string theory wouldnt work (why exactly, I dont know)

...well to you think Xen is some of these "Calabi Yau Dimensions" ??
Hi, I'm also science geek...
Previous questions was correctly answered...
There is no relation between Gravity gun and teleportation system - Manipulator is based on Zero Point Energy (where is clarky003?) but teleportation is based on entanglement, worm holes, strings etc.

I don't think Xen is Calabi Yau Dimension - Xen is very "real" world in our space - CY dimension seems very abstract...

ríomhaire: Crap? I can't imagine better discussions :)
AJ Rimmer said:
Then you've had a boring life :|
I don't think so. This HL science discussion is better than typical threads like OMG AI disabled, LOL new gman theory, Xen sux etc.
Polaris said:
I don't think so. This HL science discussion is better than typical threads like OMG AI disabled, LOL new gman theory, Xen sux etc.
Oh yes, it's better than most other discussions here, but I can still imagine more interesting ones ;)
Because English isnt my first language I´ve questions about some terms....

1. "Borderworld" : Does it mean that Xen is the "Neighbourworld from our world" or that Xen is a "World between Worlds" ??

2. Dark Energy Equations.... what does that mean exactly? "Equation" as mathematical term or something different?
1. Both - Xen is 'close' to our world and many other worlds we think.
2. The equations for the involvement of dark energy which is involved in teleporting. So yes, mathematical.
Sam-2k said:
1. Both - Xen is 'close' to our world and many other worlds we think.
2. The equations for the involvement of dark energy which is involved in teleporting. So yes, mathematical.

1. So Xen is no "real" world/universe/dimension????

Does some of you know the physical-term "brane" ( ) ????

Originally I thought that Xen is somehow a brane next to our brane....
But this border-world-stuff doesnt fit into this idea....