Technomage model



Sorry to break the classic weapons modeling stuff ;)

Here is a work in progress model for Artoxia mod, it's a religious fanatic fighter, good in close combat. He uses science and illusion to make "magic".

As you can see, arms are provisory (taken from an old model), and there are lots of bugs, but the overall is here.

I'll announce Artoxia more officially when I'll have more thing to show.



wow very nice m8, i know it wip but the hands need alot of work and there are some small other things but i sure u know wat they are and will get them sorted out, gr8 start!
it all looks very low poly, i sposed its for HL2, but as the model is concerned, good proportions, apart from the arms ( which r stuck on )
Ichi, is that all u ever say. if uve ever tried player modellin, its actualy quite hard. maybe u hav but all ive ever seen u do is cars.
Why do you even bother to post, IchI? Those words are the contents of every other post you make in this forum.

Anyway, I think it looks very nice so far, and will only get better as you continue working on it and make the new arms. Nothing else to say really without a wireframe and a triangle count.
Oh you know, he's not that wrong. Nothing special here.
I will not say it's the goal but I'd like to use "stereotyp" of space marine.
Why.. because the mod will feature 2 different gameplay between the 2 available side.
The human side (no name yet) is where you're not lost, with good futuristic weapons.
The others are not human, they don't live the same way as us, they have particular philosophy and skills.

Actually the concept is 4 years old (we began on Q3), so we have to rewrite a lot of things, but it's a really nice project btw, it's ambitious in the gameplay, but totally doable.

Yes it looks quite low poly and actually this is not optimised so polycount would not give you any hint. The smoothing is bad too, don't know why but since max5 I have difficulties to have good render.
I'm a really bad modeler, my speciality are skinning and animations... bah at least it tooks me only 4hours ...
I'll try to post my progress on this piece.
The model looks very Quake 4-ey to me...

Very much like that Dead bloke with the hood in it....

Can't remember his name..

Oh and ICHI please only post propper C&C, this sort of thing will be clamped down upon in the future, thank you
Originally posted by Djaggernaut
I'm a really bad modeler [snipped]

I disagree. From what I can see you have the talent, you just need practice and refining of your skills to move up to the next level.
Ah sure, and that's the advice we could say to a beginner in 3D: practice.
But don't worry, it's not my better model you know ;) It's just I'm in a production plan, I have not enough time. 4 hours is REALLY not enough.
+ I'm already working for several indie games company, so it's ok. (and it's really well paid, 70$/h for a student...!)
But you know how it is, when you have a dream, when you have ambition, it's always a seek for more performance. ;)
I know what you mean Djaggernaut. I've got some many projects sitting around that I really want to finish, but I can't seem to find time to.

Great looking model by the way! I wouldn't worry about the low-poly look to it. A good skin can make all the difference. Ever see the character models from Final Fantasy X? I think they were very well done, but if you look real close their legs only have 6 or 8 sides. The models so well done that you wouldn't ever notice that the legs are on the slightly low-poly side.
ok. the boats on his legs look way to thick and when he side steps they will colide with each other. Also they are to far up the leg and when he actually goes to bend his leg via his knee cap its just not gunna work. Also if he did bend his leg the back of his leg would catch on the small spike (very small) at the back. The arms are obviasly to long for your average human but as u said u just imported them in to make the model look respectable and hopfully u will delete them and model new ones. The shirt he is wearing goes up a bit to much and a bit to low at the back. But i think its the actual style of the shirt. But if its ment to have a flatish bottom then it don;t really work. The face has no eye sockets and also i can hardly see it and proberly wrong but his lip look s bit to high. Unless its the shading or he has a tash. U can see the symetry creese down the middle but i also think it might e intentional kinda getting the wizard magic look to the top of his hood. The sort of role bar he has on him is pritty kewl. but is it like attached to him or does it rest on his solders. Because that could also be a problem when u come to him moving and tilting his obdermen.

I like the style and the lighting u added and all it really needs is a mesh tidy up and tweaking here and there. So as i said atm its pritty average. Nothing special.
yes that's quite constructive. Don't worry I had seen these issues + some others.
Yay something thats not a freaking HK mp5 or a freakin M16.
Good job so far tho, i like the concept. cant wait to see it finished and in game
looks cool but the arms are a little weak and they are long....... if you stand up straight and put your by your side you will se that only your hands pass your waist, your model looks like they touch its knees. but im just a critic so dont punish me...
Distortion, you have etremely short arms then my friend, because the average persons hands fall half way between the waist and the knees...
yes, and Distortion, if u take the time to read his post, they r just arms to make the model look finished, they r just imported from another model.
News from the model.
Now it needs a few proportion change to give it more style (posture too).
But here is something quite complete. It's skinned with a mouse and I'm no more used to this, so this is not excellent ;).

I love the skin on his arms, looks really good. His 'shawl' also looks pretty realistic, while the silver things on his legs have some shinyness on the bottom that looks off. Could be me though. Everything else looks good though.
Very nice man :D Like the skin. Try rendering with less jaggy edges.
Great consept btw ;)
Just a closer view of the model.
You can see more details on this one, especially the little creature bringing energy to the technomage (I'm waiting to know more about shaders for better effects)