teh Germany thread


Aug 13, 2004
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yeah we needed one :farmer:

1.German food:
well of course when you hear German food
you think about Brat Wurst ,Weiss Wurscht,Knoedel
even those Austria aint Germany still Wiener Schnitzel
Wiener Schnitzel Fast food Resturant doesnt have anything to do with real Schniztel come to Germany try it here or go to Vegas they also have German food there not to mention Schocko Kuchen^^

2.German Drinks
You guessed it Beer all kinds of differnt Beers here in Germany
btw did you know Miller actually is also an German Beer?
Malz Beer a none Alcoholic drink kinda like Root Beer but less sweet.
sparkling Water while most Americans drink Water strait outta the fridge or sink
we Germans buy Water in glass Bottles theres CO2 in it so thats why its sparkling
btw lot of Coffee shops in Munich check them out if have the chance to go to Munich we also drink coke :cheers:

3.German TV

well nothing to unique to tell you we have the Simpsons, South Park etc
btw did you that it some time takes 2-4 months until Hollywood Movies come out here after they are shown in the US?

4. German Musik

ahhhh yes German Musik
while there is a really gay kinda Musik called "Schlager Musik which is terrible...

pretty big in Rock we are
Rammstein No words needed for them you know em
Die Aertzte kick ass Punk Band>>>>www.bademeister.com their site
Juli kinda Pop Rock the Sound crawls up ur ear>>>>>> http://www.juli.tv/
their site
Wir sind Helden also kinda Pop rock but a bit better the Juli
>>>>>> www.wirsindhelden.com their site

Im sure I dont have to mention Nena (99 Balloons)
and Scorpion (wind of Change)
I wont mention fuggin wanna be black stupid gay Hip Hop
jeez German Hip Hop hurts ur ear really bad

I will post more stuff tomarrow
German music - DESTRUCTION, KREATOR, SODOM. Wheeeeey.
cheers lemonking, i am always open to learning something new.

keep posting and hopefully people will post more info on thier countries, which will educate more people to what them countries are really like.

no more stereotypicalism.

short recoil said:
I work for LIDL! ........i'll go and buy loads of german food!

LOL theres a LIDL store near me, they are OWNAGE!!! :D
HunterSeeker said:
But I like it ;(

cant be true

kinda goes like this
I forgot my Girl in Mexico OHOH
OHO my Girl shes in Mexico OHOHOH

GAY :hmph:
Germany rocks, plain and simple.
I could compile reasons why but i don't feel i need to.
German football teams play english teams (Chelsea) and win, but still lose the round from goals from the 1st leg. Hehe Olivier Kahn go home! jaja :D
Hectic Glenn said:
German football teams play english teams (Chelsea) and win, but still lose the round from goals from the 1st leg. Hehe Olivier Kahn go home! jaja :D

Did Chelsea just give up for the last 10 minutes? They didn't even seem to bother.

EDIT: Ontopic: I was born in Germany. I spent the first two years of my life there.
It's funny that the famous German foods are shaped like a penis. :naughty:
The Fantastic 4.

I have only heard the Aphex Twin remix of Krieger.

From what I can tell it's German rap. His voice is so damn cool. Combined with the German language itself = gold.

And lets not forget the hardware of WW2.

The panzer tanks, including the Tiger and King Tiger. The panzerfaust, panzershrek, panzerwerfer...

The flak44's, the Mauzer rifle, the Stug tank, Hummel mobile artillery, Elephant (Ferdinand) tank, Panther tank, and the Jagpanther.

Hail the Fatherland!
Germans are stupid for the fact that they dub all their movies and shows...it looks so silly. Why do they do that, pretty much all germans speak english anyway.:D
DarkStar said:
You forgot German shizer porn.

w00t you mean this? Can someone translate btw?

xxxxx ignore this! My stupid friend posted some really ****ed up german christian poo porn clip. Involving nuns and priests..
I live one week in Turkey town in Berlin, realy action life :naughty:
But other Germany cities and Berlin streets - nice :)
You forgot today's Walther and H&K, Vegeta... :p

Germans are stupid for the fact that they dub all their movies and shows...it looks so silly

QFE. The percentage of non-educated people is on the rise though, many of'em don't understand the street-english that's used in the movies.
you forgot



oh and I`m moving to Germany in Autumn :E
Lemonking said:
well Swizterland Austria parts of Begium
parts of east Afrika
Luxembourg... but the former colonies speak english and African languages. You had colonies for such a short time, so you never got to establish the german language like the british and the french did. Or am I wrong?

The thing that comes to my mind when you bring up german film and TV is that you dub everything. It's unbearable! We don't dub anything here, but use subtitles instead.
The_Monkey said:
Luxembourg... but the former colonies speak english and African languages. You had colonies for such a short time, so you never got to establish the german language like the british and the french did. Or am I wrong?

The thing that comes to my mind when you bring up german film and TV is that you dub everything. It's unbearable! We don't dub anything here, but use subtitles instead.

I cant tell you how glad I am that we had to give up those colonies 1918
KoreBolteR said:
why is that :O?

I dont wanna sound like a racist but Im sure our Crime rate here in Germany
would be alot higher :|
Lemonking said:
I dont wanna sound like a racist but Im sure our Crime rate here in Germany
would be alot higher :|

i sort of see what you mean :) lol
Recoil said:
Hm? I don't... mind to tell me?


well its a fact when Foreign Peolpe come from a Colonie to for exsample UK
they have it really hard u know money and stuff getting a job stuff like that
so its a logical comclusion that the Crime Rate will climb same thing with black People in the US its not becuz their black its becuz they where inserted from being Slaves from then being free they had no place to go so now alot of Black People live in slums getting a job and Money is very hard if yoy live in places like
DA Bronx and da Hood^^ (LA)
thats why black people commit crimes
Most of the hackers on cs:s I met were german. (note: that I met). And they rarely speak english on public servers... pretty annoying.
Dots are your friends. ;)

The Brick said:
Most of the hackers on cs:s I met were german. (note: that I met). And they rarely speak english on public servers... pretty annoying.

Verstehst du nicht Deutch?
The_Monkey said:
Dots are your friends. ;)

Verstehst du nicht Deutch?

Ich habe keine Geschwester.
Um die ecke!

And that's the last of my German knowledge.
Feath said:
Ich habe keine Geschwester.
Um die ecke!

And that's the last of my German knowledge.

I dont have any Sisters/Brothers around the corner?? :smoking:
Lemonking said:
I dont have any Sisters/Brothers around the corner?? :smoking:

Those were meant to be two different sentences.