Telemarketer Counter-Script

I've had a copy of this for a while, been meaning to use it forever. Too bad I signed up for a do-not-call list.
lol, yeah. We canceled our home phone and opted to go with a cellular plan.... no telemarketers for me...:shrug:
HAHA That is awsome! Oh man I wish I got telemarketer calls. Odd thing is I don't even have a telemarketer blocker and they still don't call me!
JNightshade said:
I've had a copy of this for a while, been meaning to use it forever. Too bad I signed up for a do-not-call list.

I did too! Love it! Amen.
After I started asking the telemarketers if they had sex with children...I stopped getting them D:
Since the telemarketers that phone me can barely utter a word of English, the phone gets put down rapidly.

Nice find though!
do-not-call list > this. However, it would be a great tool. That, or you can just tell them while they are in mid-question "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number." *click*
My second name is O' Keeffe, pronounced (oh-key-ff)
I once picked up the phone and was asked "Is this mister Oh-Kefy?"
I think that was posted before BTW.
fool proof way they'll leave you alone:

"no speakee de english"

works every time
My dad used to have so much fun with them. I remember once, out of the blue, he randomly asked "so, what are you wearing?". He managed to carry on the conversation for a while... priceless.
I actually used this once before, my family were really impressed when I started interogating 'Raj'.

Raj got so pissed off, he started shouting at me, but I have that places number now, so they are victim to all my pranks.

Thats right 3G! Its me!

You lack discipline! HAHAHAHA
I don't understand why they want you to fill a form in and send it off...
CptStern said:
fool proof way they'll leave you alone:

"no speakee de english"

works every time
Except when it's the Immigration services.

Dekstar's post comes to you from Taiwan!
I like to pretend the telemarketer is an old friend calling, and I ask personal questions etc...
I like to think that telemarketers have already adapted to this and have a plan of action to counteract whatever silly traps you may plan to set.
Shens said:
I like to think that telemarketers have already adapted to this and have a plan of action to counteract whatever silly traps you may plan to set.

I like to think I'll spend the rest of my life eating Twinkies and watching hundreds of hot young virgins oil each other up on my private beach.
I've got to try this. Never did get those telemarketers when they managed to find my number.