teleporting a spawned physbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Polishwonder74
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Y'all might be sick of hearing about my silly catapult, but now I'm trying to figure out how to teleport a spawned catapult projectile (physbox) to the throwing arm of the catapult.

Right now I've got a physbox projectile that lights on fire and spews smoke, and then explodes after a few seconds, about .1 seconds later I have it killhierarchy and then have it forcespawn a new one (complete with fire, smoke and explosion entities) from a point_template. So this is all fine and good, but the point_template always spawns the new projectile right where the original was sitting when the map is started, despite the fact that the catapult has moved.

So I've been looking through tutorials trying to figure out how to teleport the spawned projectile onto the catapult, but I am having no luck. This teleporter tutorial seemed to be exactly what I need, but I can't get it to work. Can anyone help me out with this? I need to figure out how to spawn a projectile from a point template, and then get it to teleport to a info_teleport_destination that is parented to my catapult.

Thanks for reading! :cheers:
Check the flags, there's one there about moving the object (i think)

That didn't seem to help, I think things that have their mass scale altered can't be lifted by the gravity gun.

I've been trying to decipher what the Kabuki Avenger did with his SWEET-ASS watermelon cannon, but I still can't seem to get this working. What a headache, this catapult is turning out to be a lot of fun now that I put up a house made out of physboxes, full of bad guys to smash down.
I could give that a shot, but the template is in a different spot already. The physbox always spawns in the location that it is put at the beginning of the map. Like, if I were to put it dead center in the map and 40 feet up in Hammer, it would respawn there every time. I tried messing with a entity maker, but that got me some REALLY wierd results. Like the ball would respawn in different spots every time. I have NO idea how that is possible. . .

Any other ideas? ;(