Teleporting Monsters Into The Map


Sep 25, 2003
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I've seen this done numerous times, in both HLSP maps, and custom maps, and I've been wanting to learn how. I've looked all over for a tutorial but haven't been able to find one. Can anyone help me? Thanks. :thumbs:
I'd actually like to know this as well. I'd like to start off with only a few monsters on the map and slowly begin to teleport more and more of them in so that eventually the player feels overrun by them.
me too ............................... I had to do this it was too short
Teleport Tutorial

You could build "hidden rooms" with monsters inside and let the monsters step into the teleporter wich would make them appear into the map itself...
Ti133700N said:
Teleport Tutorial

You could build "hidden rooms" with monsters inside and let the monsters step into the teleporter wich would make them appear into the map itself...

Thanks for the tutorial, I just finished reading it and am going to try it now, but is there any other way? :E
Well, with the multi_manager you can trigger any events at a desired elasped time... so you could tell the monsters to walk into the teleporter afer [number] seconds, not sure if you could make them appear directly without using a teleporter... I'll have to try it... but not this morning :) ( 2:50am ) lol
There is an easier way you know. I'l just make a small map, take some screens and write a small "tutorial" telling you haw to do it.
For some reason i cant print screen....So i hope you can understand what i have written.

Making a Monster Teleport into the map

This tutorial assumes you know how to create a basic level

Step 1 - Placing the entities.

First you will need to place a multi_manager into the map, doesn't matter where so long as its there. Give the multi_manager a name, in this case I've called it mm_teleport. Now put onto the map a monstermaker entity (This, obviously, will be used to spawn the entities) give that a name, I have called it spnAlien. After that, place an env_sprite at the same place you put the monster maker and give it a name, I gave it the name sptTeleport. Now place an ambient_generic onto the map and give that a name, I've called it sndTeleport

Once you are happy with the placement of the entities, move onto step 2

Step 2 - Applying attributes.

Lets start with the sprite. There are a number of different sprites you can use, but i decided to stick with sprites/tele1.spr simply because its easy to remember. Go to the tab Flags and tick "play once", so the sprite doesnt keep repeating.

After this, move onto the ambient_generic. As with the sprite, you have a number of choices. I have used ambience/port_suckout1.wav. Go tot he Flags and tick "Start Silent" and "Is NOT looped" (Or it might be something like "Not Toggled" depending on what mod you are using)

Next comes the monstermaker. You can have any type of monster you want spawn in, but i have chosen monster_headcrab. Go down to Monster Count and change it to 1, as you don't want infinite monsters spawning in. Go down to frequency and change it to 0, so that they spawn as soon as you tell them too.

Now look at the multi_manager. Go into "SmartEdit" and add the values you want (I am assuming you know how to use the multi_manager). Due to the length of hte sound i chose, i set the ambient_generic to trigger at 1 second. I set the sprite to trigger at 2 seconds, and i set the monstermaker to trigger at 2.2 seconds.

Step 3 - Setting it all off

Basically, just trigger the multimanager however you want :p. Normally trigger_once is used so that when the player is walking through a map, the alien will just teleport in seemingly at random, and only do it once.
No problem...It feels nice helping people.

Even though i get the idea im being humoured, but thats probably paranoia
Farrowlesparrow said:
No problem...It feels nice helping people.

Even though i get the idea im being humoured, but thats probably paranoia

Lol, I'm not just humouring you, I've been looking for a tutorial for a long time and you wrote one for me :). (If you consider a day a long time :P)
Ah, that's a great tut. It doesn't require lots of wasted resources that you would need if you were teleporting pre-existing monsters into a new location. Thanks much!
Yea thanks for the tut. I only map for CS, is it possible to do this in CS? I know we can "cheat" the system by using models we aren't suppose to in CS maps but is it possible to import real animated monsters into the map?
Well i havent done much mapping in CS, so you would have to talk to someone else really. However, i dont believe it is possible to have "real" monsters in a CS game. I could be wrong though.