Temperature of my 9800Pro?

Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I just ran ATITools and checked the temp, I got this:

Remote:76 Celsius, Local: 52 Celsius (while playing D3).

Are these temperatures exceptable, since I'm not everclocking. And if I'm overclocking, at what temperature should I get concerned.
Where do you get software that tells you the temperature of the card?
Oh sorry..must of missed that.. :dozey:

My ATITool doesnt seem to show my temperature... :cat:
Tinneth said:
Oh sorry..must of missed that.. :dozey:

My ATITool doesnt seem to show my temperature... :cat:

Catalyst drivers show the temp of the GPU in your display properties (advanced) in the 'Overdrive' tab.
That is fine.
Graphics cards generally are allowed to run hotter than CPUs.
My card hits 80C quite often under load and it's idling at 60C right now.
Only XT cards come with Overdrive I believe. The XT AIW don't though. Was mildly disappointed that mine didn't come with it.