Temple (Goldeneye 007 for N64) Map Release

Sgt. Redneck

Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
YES, I have finished a map that most of you will probably love... the Temple from easily what was one of the best FPS's of all time, Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64. I kept it simple, as it was in the original, and made them as identical as possible to capture what made the game so good. This is only my second map I have ever made for any version of Half-Life/Half-Life Mod.

Here are some screenshots:









I will get the map up for download ASAP. Let me know how it looks!

It look kinda... ehh.. well... simple. yeah that's the word.

Sorry if you expected me to go "OMG!!@ ! That map is teh rOxOrz!!1! GIMMEH!". A good map needs more work than that. How about some objects?
Repost the images somewhere else or something, I wanna see.
Still no go. I say you just go with photobucket or imageshack
Layout looks good
Dunno if your there yet but the textures need work.
honestly... keep working at it

It looks like a good start, but keep adding things. For CS you are going to need some more props, and also work on the lighting. Make some real light sources, and make some contrasting light and dark areas so that it doesn't look so flat. Also, the textures need some work. Take some liberties, and make it interesting.

Also, wtf is up with the screen of the CT with a wall as a backdrop?
so lifeless? Try adding some trash, graffitie to walls? Stuff along that lines.
Yeah some of the textures need some work, might as well spice it up and keep it original.. Nice work tho
If it is a recreation of the original from Goldeneye, then it has no trash etc.

Random trash would look odd.

Making a deathmatch level for CS............ makes no sense....
half alive said:
It look kinda... ehh.. well... simple. yeah that's the word.

Sorry if you expected me to go "OMG!!@ ! That map is teh rOxOrz!!1! GIMMEH!". A good map needs more work than that. How about some objects?

Umm, N64 was 64 bit, this is a nice faithful recreation. Thats what he did he recreated it, its not new and improved, just a faithful representation of a fun map from goldeneye. Personally id be disappointed if it was anything but that.
Im working on a recreation of the Complex for a mod (and for my own fun), and even though it was a simple level too, I'm totaly going to 2005 it up. Its one thing to be authentic, but its another to be right out boring.
By spice i mean shiny surfaces, cool effects.. i like the layout, just like the original.
Looks about perfectly proportioned to the original, very nice job :thumbs:

Just fix up some of the lighting, place some decals or displacement maps to create some texture contrast, and it'll look great.
I feel like a teenager again

Wow, I just had a nine-year flashback. That was my favorite DM map in Goldeneye.

I agree with everyone, actually. Keep this map as close to the original as possible. However, maybe you should ALSO try to make a separate "2005" version, as Fender and the others have mentioned; especially since you are pretty much done with this version. Just a couple of things for your original version, you may want to add specular and bump data to those textures. Also, add some lights to your level. Even though the lighting will make the map a little different from the original, the ugliness of the texture tiling patterns will be better hidden.
Ok, I like the idea of the second version. I was considering that, but I will probably go forward with it now.
You could try recreating the Perfect Dark version of the Temple for your new one. That version of the map was much more atmospheric and varied than the original, and it had some sandy terrain in the rocket-launcher room with all the pillars. It would be very cool to see that one too.
It is really nice to see people remaking Goldeneye maps, but for gods sake, REMAKE them with all the Source engine can provide! Use the layouts, but please recreate everything! Don't take it too literally because those ancient maps can be redone in 5 minutes...

put some effort into it and push that engine!
Geronimous said:
It is really nice to see people remaking Goldeneye maps, but for gods sake, REMAKE them with all the Source engine can provide! Use the layouts, but please recreate everything! Don't take it too literally because those ancient maps can be redone in 5 minutes...

put some effort into it and push that engine!

Finally! Someone with an insight!! :smoking:
I didn't play perfect dark so I don't know what it looks like and I don't have the game to refer to.