Tenacious D keeps up with the wacky antics

Jul 1, 2003
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Tenacious D pulled a funny stunt on Nov. 3rd on TRL. Details here. They were basically just promoting their dvd, which I plan to buy.

Tenacious D is hilarious. I hope they come out with another cd sometime soon.
Wonder boy.....what is the secret of your power....
Am I the only one that thinks he's un-funny, un-original and completely false?
Pretty sure you are. Jack Black is hilarious, original, and completely crazy...
Hehe...that was good too.
And The Greatest Song in the World is actually titled "Tribute."
"This is just a tribute! To the greatest song in the wo-orld!"
OMG tribute is a facking amazing song lol.... Tenacious D as a whole isn;t that great but some of their stuff (tribute) is amazing lol
"this is not the greatest song in the world, no. this is just a tribute"

best song!
wonderboy and Tribute are my favourites, jack black pwnzjoorsoul