

May 14, 2003
Reaction score
SpuD and I were thinking about making the following - please post comments, suggestions, job requests, etc. :

Tension is a multiplayer-only HL2 mod that is based on single-player characters. You can choose to be any of the three factions (Resistance, Combine, or Alien) and choose to be any unit in that group (for example, if you were an Alien you could be a headcrab/zombie, ant lion, etc.). We need some of every designer - coders, mappers, modellers, skinners...

If you're interested, please post. If and when we get enough interest, we'll start the development proces.
i could....boss people around. When it comes to mod making i cant do anything else.
Seems similar to my mod. But if you need modellers and skinners, maybe it aint :)
And I will mostly just use Combine forces anyway (and some aliens). Unless there happens to be some really cool looking resistance milita.

Is there more info? Like on... Everything else in the mod? :)
Originally posted by dawdler
Seems similar to my mod. But if you need modellers and skinners, maybe it aint :)
I need them for the first person views of alien/combine "weapons".

I haven't totally decided on the style of play. I just think it would be neat if you could choose to be anything in the game, and fight against the other factions. There would be a few weapons for each guy. So if you chose to be the white-helmeted combine, you could have their traditional gun, plus a few more that we'd design on our own. If you have any input, feel free to share it :)
Originally posted by synth
I need them for the first person views of alien/combine "weapons".

I haven't totally decided on the style of play. I just think it would be neat if you could choose to be anything in the game, and fight against the other factions. There would be a few weapons for each guy. So if you chose to be the white-helmeted combine, you could have their traditional gun, plus a few more that we'd design on our own. If you have any input, feel free to share it :)
Ah. Like Ant Lion claws? :)

Anyway, doesnt sound very similar to mine if you word it like that. But it depends on gameplay. Mine will have very strict rules on teamplay, forcing people to fight in groups. Also the NLT multiplayer mode will be a important one, once I get it to work (Non Lethal Takeover, so complex system I have trouble figuring it out, hehe, since everything around you determine if you get score by surrendering, or if the enemy will get the score).

Guess your goal is just to take the HL2 models and let people wreak havoc on each other? Then no, not similar at all, even if it is the same models :)

Edit: Btw, ever thought you maybe are doing exactly what Valve will? I mean, it IS a rather big chance...
Originally posted by dawdler
Edit: Btw, ever thought you maybe are doing exactly what Valve will? I mean, it IS a rather big chance...
I've thought about it, but I doubt it since HL1 multiplayer was just the good guys + grunts fighting against each other in a deathmatch. I'm assuming for their HL2 multiplayer it will be either similar or something totally different (like CS2, for example).
Originally posted by synth
I've thought about it, but I doubt it since HL1 multiplayer was just the good guys + grunts fighting against each other in a deathmatch. I'm assuming for their HL2 multiplayer it will be either similar or something totally different (like CS2, for example).
Wont be CS2, said it before and I'm saying it again: It would be like shipping Thief III with Doom III as multiplayer component :P
I actually think something like yours is a rather big possibility, they could give us combines and resistance and aliens to fight in City 17 in various modes.
But if its the same, just do something that sets it apart. If its not the same, no worry!
It shouldnt be that long until they let out some info on it... Maybe mail them and ask if its something similar? :)
Originally posted by dawdler
It shouldnt be that long until they let out some info on it... Maybe mail them and ask if its something similar? :)
-----Original Message-----
From: synth
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 10:16 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: would this mod be acceptable?

I'm going to be recruiting people for a multiplayer
mod, and I was wondering if it would be too similar to
your multiplayer, since you haven't said what you'll
be doing for it.
It will havee three factions - the aliens, the
combine, and the resistance. (maybe more factions,
because I remember someone saying there were two
groups of aliens, one not from Xen). Anyone can choose
basically any unit from the game, so someone could
choose to be a headcrab, or an ant lion, or a
white-helmeted combine, etc.
If that mod is OK to make, then I have a few questions
for you:
Are the combine always or most of the time enemies of
the aliens?
How many factions are there in the game?
And one important question:
Could you describe the situation between you and
Sierra/Vivendi about the release date? I don't want a
day it will be out, just an explanation about what is
going on.

Gabe Newell: I'd suggest coming up with the gameplay significance of the different groups before worrying about how they map to the game factions. Just a suggestion.
The MOD sounds fun. We'll all get a kick out of playing it.
Doesnt sound like its what they're doing, gotto say that... Then again, Gabe is always cryptical :)
An neither did he answer the questions really, hehe...
oh gosh!!!!!!!....the ability to play as a head crab...........valves conspiracy against ur mod.................dawdlers uber unamed mod.....its all giving me a little tension ;)
Originally posted by mindless_moder
oh gosh!!!!!!!....the ability to play as a head crab...........valves conspiracy against ur mod.................dawdlers uber unamed mod.....its all giving me a little tension ;)
Yeah, it would be pretty neat to play as a headcrab... Slowly crawl around in the dark... Then a resistance fighter comes along... You crawl up the wall (need some AvP crawling, hehe)... Up on the cieling... Then let go... And hit the sweetspot :D

Sidenote: its Unaimed. It was Unnamed before, now its Unaimed :)