Terminator 4 concept art


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
from the upcoming T4 Salvation



transformers more than meets the eye


the motocycle terminator just looks/sounds stupid
The terminator should have just been kept as it was.
Hmm, was looking forward to this, after seeing the motorcycle terminators (WTF) and the huge transformer type one, not so much.

Then again, I like the idea of the t-600 rubber face model.
Motorcycle terminators? :rolleyes:

Giant mech terminators... yes lets completely ignore that in the first and second movie the large terminators were depicted as huge tanks on tracks not walker mechs...
Your trolling powers have grown weak Stern. We all know that Judgement Day was a worthy sequel to T1.

it's my thread I troll as much or as little as I want ...mr troll-y mctroll

meh it's was a vehicle for Ah-nold nothing more ..the whole "good robot protects kid from bad robot but looks exactly like Ah-nold" was just ****ing stupid ..the scene with ah-nold lowering himself into the fiery molten thingy is up there with some of the cheesiest moments in film. He should have remained the villian vbut because of ah-nold's star power at the time, he couldnt, so they throw some half baked idea of making him the good guy

oh and Ed Furlong was really really annoying

as an action film it's was great but that's about all it was ...ok I take some of that back ...without Robert Patrick as t-1000 it would have been an over the top action movie ..he managed to create a villian archtype that goes beyond what ah-nold did in the first movie

oh and I like Alien better than Aliens ..t2 is to t1 what Aliens was to Alien
The movie is directed by McG. The Charlie's Angels dude.

It's going to suck. Pictures of giant mechs and transformers do not increase or decrease the level of suck. It's just suck. It will always be suck.
A bike Terminator?! What next, a friendly one that likes young boys?!
A bike Terminator?! What next, a friendly one that likes young boys?!

even the really really annoying, not having a career in his adulthood young boys?

they need a horse terminator ..for getting at all those inaccesible areas moto-terminator cant get at ...because there's no road clean up crew in the post apocalyptic future

"throw some tacks on the road, that'll stop moto-terminator"
meh it's was a vehicle for Ah-nold nothing more ..the whole "good robot protects kid from bad robot but looks exactly like Ah-nold" was just ****ing stupid ..the scene with ah-nold lowering himself into the fiery molten thingy is up there with some of the cheesiest moments in film. He should have remained the villian vbut because of ah-nold's star power at the time, he couldnt, so they throw some half baked idea of making him the good guy
Can somebody explain to me why Stern thinks this joke is funny enough to be repeated 3 times after his first use.