Terragen-Cool Proggie


Apr 18, 2004
Reaction score
Well I downloaded this proggie the other day and thought I would share it with you guys. I can't really explain it so I'll just show you what it does.







I'm still learning alot about this program and I'm trying to find some plugins that allow me to place foliage on the terrain.

Basically I can adjust nearly every aspect of the world I create. What size diameter the planet is so that the program can calculate the curvature of the surface that would result. I can modfiy the terrain however I want to, be it color or whatnot. The water is also completely customizable. It's really a damn cool proggie.
yeah, its pretty old...I gave up cause I couldnt work the damn thing ;(, maybe its easier than it was back in the ol days :), ill give it another shot
It's a very nice program. Much better than Bryce in rendering landscapes.

I cringe when I take a look at some of my friend's Byrce renders.....

/me cringes
This render is pretty amazing....I wanna know where that guy got his plug in. Anyone know where I can get a floiage plug in?
That water rendering looks fantastic. Best photo-realistic water rendering I've seen in a long time. Too bad it's not realtime.
Proggie... damn I havn't heard that term since the AOL 2.5/3.0 days in like 1996-7... memories

Anyway yeah that program is pretty fun, Bryce3D is good fun too.
Yeah Terragen is quite a funky program, it does good water. If your into landscape generators then I recommend you try out Mojoworld also (there is a demo version available). You can create some truly spectacular vistas with it.
yup, terragen is neat. i tried a little bit of stuff with it. the first one was when i tried to recreate a photo i took (second attachment). i couldn't figure out how you're supposed to put vegetation in, so i ended up sticking orange splotches on the terrain... not very effective, heh, but i never bothered to go back.
...a 3D terrain generator? how hard was that to explain. I don't even know anything about the app and I explained it.
I used this app ages ago, I found it by accident, I was looking for UK planetside outfits about 2-3 years ago (back when planetside was in early development) and tried www.planetside.co.uk - which (back then) linked to their site. Think maybe it still does. Anyway, its found a new use as a terrain heightmap generator for making custom BF1942 maps. I don't use it though, I never make maps any more.

It's a shame about the render times, it seems to rely 100% on the cpu and not at all on the graphics performance, would be better if such things could be rendered in realtime since machines out today could easily cope with it.
heh...been using it for years and years and years...best skybox creation program on the planet :D
FictiousWill said:
That water rendering looks fantastic. Best photo-realistic water rendering I've seen in a long time. Too bad it's not realtime.

Heh, the best photo-realistic water you've ever seen, you wont have noticed. But if you've watched a movie in the past few years, or any assortment of higher budget TV shows you can count on having seen CG water shots without realising.
while the views are pretty, nature scenes bore me to death ;P

maybe put an apocolyptic meteor crashing into a mountainside, obliterating centuries of unrestorable works of man?
Heh, I've used terragen a lot. Very cool program. I show some pics to my friends and they're like "DID YOU DO THAT?!?!! WTF"

..it's really pretty easy. ;)