Terrified couple rescued from Corn Maze


May 5, 2004
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Getting lost in a corn maze is supposed to be fun.

But it turned into a nightmare for a Massachusetts couple who got so turned around that they had to be rescued by the police.

It all started late Monday afternoon, when the couple entered a corn maze at Connors Farm in Danvers, Mass., about 23 miles north of Boston.

After about an hour in the maze, darkness began to fall. The couple, who were there with their 3-week-old baby, could not find a way out. As the mosquitoes started to descend, they placed a desperate call to 911 asking to be rescued.

By the end of the seven-minute call, a K-9 unit had found the couple.

wow a whole 7 minutes SOMEONE CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD? that baby stands zero chance

Husband: "I see lights over there at the place, but we can't get there, we're smack right in the middle of the cornfield."

jebus ****ing christ is there something preventing them from walking a straight line to the lights?

I love how the operator asks to speak to the husband (presumably because the wife is hysterical and stupid)

Woman in tears: "Hi, I just called. I'm still stuck at Connors Farms. I don't see anybody. I'm really scared. It's really dark and we've got a 3-week-old."

Police officer: "Your husband is with you?"

Woman: "Yes. But my baby..."

Police officer: "A police officer is on the way. Can you put your husband on the phone?"

Husband: "I see lights over there at the place, but we can't get there, we're smack right in the middle of the cornfield."

husband is just as stupid

jebus ****ing christ is there something preventing them from walking a straight line to the lights?

That's what I was thinking. It's not like the walls of the maze are made of brick or anything. If it was a hedge maze, it would've been a bit harder to get through, but a cornfield? Come on...
After about an hour in the maze, darkness began to fall. The couple, who were there with their 3-week-old baby, could not find a way out. As the mosquitoes started to descend,
Holy shit :LOL:
Ha, I remember that. God, I wish Trigger Happy TV was on for longer than it was, I loved that show.

This is the maze they were lost in. They were by the bridge in the center of the horse.

Why didn't they use their corn maze iphone app?
Oh man, Trigger Happy TV was hilarious. I haven't thought of that show in years. It really appealed to my teenaged sensibilities at the time :p
High-fructose corn syrup is causing an epidemic of diabetes.
Oh but we are smart and have the best colleges here! I wonder why so many people hate us by calling us MASSholes? I have always hated MA and New England in general. I won't even begin about all the Super Fund sites and toxic dump that NE is and the movies that they have spawned.

You can't go wrong when the mayor of Boston is this guy:

The governor as Deval Patrick:

Then the senator as Scott Brown and John Kerry:



To be fair though John Kerry was far better than Bush in 2006.
Didn't anybody ever tell them to hug the left wall?
Didn't anybody ever tell them to hug the left wall?

Hahah, in the comments of the article one guy said exactly the opposite. So which one is it?

Either way, when in doubt, go in a straight line.
Either works, I just always heard left for some reason. If you're hugging a wall all the way around then eventually you'll reach the other end, if you imagine the inside of the maze like one continuous shape and you're just moving along it.
It is hard not to conclude when reading stories like this that we are ultimately completely doomed.

I'm trying.
fter about an hour in the maze, darkness began to fall. The couple, who were there with their 3-week-old baby, could not find a way out. As the mosquitoes started to descend,

Holy shit :LOL:

i've been thinking about this quote all morning and it's still hilarious

really making my day here
Sounds like a Primus song.

Trigger Happy TV was awesome.

I'm pretty sure I went to that maze a couple of years ago.
Now I feel obligated to want an "I survived" t-shirt.

I wonder why so many people hate us by calling us MASSholes?

I have only ever heard that said about our driving habits.