Tetris Attack


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
I've recently been introduced to this game on the zsnes emulator. Man is it addictive. I've just finished playing vs mode for about 3 hours straight and it's fried into my brain. My eyes starting tearing a while ago for lack of blinking and now my hands just move without thinking when I start playing. I like it because the only limit on how fast you can play is how fast you can move the blocks and once you get moving everything just starts falling into place.

Now I keep seeing patterns everywhere. Like a couple buddies were standing around and I was like, if I move that one to the side and slide that one in I clear all three of them. Haven't had that kind of effect since Goldeneye
When I play too much NS I dream about being a skulk :|

Or after I got Half-Life 2 whenever I was at work with a stupid customer I would always think "I CROWBAR YOUR FACE STUPID COMBINE CUSTOMER!!!"
Heh, yeah, happens to me too. We were camping in a field in february due to this fat groundswell that was hitting the coast for a couple days, and in between we played chess nonstop. At the end of the trip, I would think of moves I could make in the tent if I were a certain piece :O
When I walk along side the road power poles attack me.
Ah i have a perfect story for this. One time i played WarCraft III all day, the next day as i was heading to school, i had these images of orcs appearing near cars and stuff for a split second, then fading, all in my mind.

Also one night when i was playing Doom 3 real late, i didnt want to go to bed, so i watched a downloaded Seinfeld episode to calm me down before i went to bed.

And i get just what you mean about the effects, Dan. If i overplay a game, i start thinking up of things related to it in real life. For example, after finishing Brothers in Arms, in real life when i was outside, i sorta looked around for a good cover and flanking spot :P