Texture Sizes

4096x4096 is overkill right now, no machine could successfully handle textures at that resolution (or 2048x2048 come to that) and a decent poly count. Not for a while anyway.

If someone buys a card just cause it can use textures at that resolution.. Then the store saw them coming a mile off. By the time those resolutions are common place, there will be much better cards available and chances are those earlier cards wont even be able to display those resolution textures because the games would likely end up requiring DX10 or something and the card wouldn't support and wouldn't work.

In other words, a simple scam for the weak minded to fall for.
blahblahblah said:
It maybe true, I don't know much about it though.

However, the Unreal 3 engine is targeting 2048x2048 sized textures for mid to high-end PC's during 2006. Those resolutions will be cut into a fourth for low end PC's (which the 6800 Ultra Extreme will be by 2006). So I wouldn't worry to much.

Exactly, its a marketing ploy. The games that have those texture resolutions are years away (and even then the rest of the hardware still needs to play catchup to the video card and the engines)

And considering how quickly a card is out of date, it would be pointless to buy one just cause it can display high res textures like that.

Would be like buying a DX14b card with OGL 7 support.. yeah great card, but can't make real use of it for the next 10 years.
Yeah by the time you could make use of it your card will be too slow anyway.

Is it true? I don't know. I'm chuckling though because my Voodoo5 here supports 2048x2048 textures...