I want to fit a nice texture to a large wall I have but the problem is that when I use "Fit", (and even though it's a 1:1 x/y ratio) the texture comes out too stretched in the game and looks pretty ugly. If I try to use anything under 1:1, it has an obvious repeating pattern which looks even worse. How do you avoid this problem and is there some way to apply two different textures to the same wall or surface? Can someone also explain to me what exactly "lifting textures" means and what people use it for?
Also, a question about lighting. Should I just place light models across my ceilings and then place a light entity right over each one? Is there a way to make a light entity brighter and cover more area (for example if I wanted to make a whole room bright with just one?) Would it be a good idea to place light entities between the floor and the ceiling (in mid-air)?
Also, a question about lighting. Should I just place light models across my ceilings and then place a light entity right over each one? Is there a way to make a light entity brighter and cover more area (for example if I wanted to make a whole room bright with just one?) Would it be a good idea to place light entities between the floor and the ceiling (in mid-air)?