TF2 - Advanced tactics and strategies



I haven't seen anything else like this discussed on here or anywhere else for that matter.
If you have an overall game plan or even just little tips and tricks, post them here.

The biggest flaw I have noticed while in a losing game is lack of teamwork. This usually results in an effect I call bleeding away. Bleeding away is when individuals respawn, run to the frontline, and immediately attempt a push forward and die, starting the whole process over again. By constantly giving the enemy a stream of easy targets you only help contribute to their score. This usually continues until a handful of players happen to respwan at the same time or a handful of players wise up and acts accordingly.

Bleeding away is a hopeless strategy against any solid defense from the opposing team. Many people tend to forget that there is safety in numbers. Providing suppressing fire while waiting for backup may seem tedious, but can make the difference in capturing the next point or not. The more people that are involved in a push, the better the odds. Ideally these attacks should be against the same targets from different angles at the same time. Don't be afraid to use the mic to set this up. Taking the time to assess your surroundings will make all the difference in the world.

Every map has more than one route to the same end. Assess what path is least defended in consideration of your current class?s strength. Also, what path are the majority of the battles taking place in? Should the primary path be moved to another less defended route or should more pressure be applied to that path? How many teammates are nearby? What classes are they? What class am I? See that the team is lacking a certain class? Switch yourself or let it be known what class would be helpful.

Aside from its obvious invulnerability benefit, the Medic's Ubercharge is also a strategy device designed to discourage bleeding away and encourages focused teamwork. Far too often this idea is only utilized in the medic/heavy combo or by accident.

A solid example of this is Spies attacking sentries. Spies by nature are solitary creatures and attacks are not usually coordinated between a spy and any other class. A Spy spends considerable time positioning himself in the "Safe zone" behind enemy frontlines where enemies are less likely to suspect spy activity. From there, a Spy's main objective when dealing with sentries is to destroy them, allowing the frontline offensive force to move forward. Far too often (Dustbowl in particular) I see multiple Spies head-butting with multiple engineers for large periods of time and making absolutely no progress. Engineers are going to defend their babies no matter what. In this scenario, a spy should have backup ready (sniper and soldier come to mind) to rush attack once a sapper is placed. While the sentry is disabled it cannot attack. While the spy concentrates on keeping sappers applied, the backup can come in and attack with no fear of the sentry OR engineer, seeing that he will be trying to fix his gun. With a little extra planning, a Tier 3 sentry can be taken out quickly and effectively preventing a battle from stagnating.

Further thoughts:

-The Medic's Ubercharge fills faster when the target being healed is injured. I'm sure the majority of people already know this by now, but far too often I see its potential going to waste. Demomen and Soldiers should find a medic and make good use of the setup period before a round.

-Don't be afraid of using the mic to coordinate attacks. Most average rooms I have played do not have strong communication. I have never lost with a team that had solid communication, when the opposition didn't. Granted, strong communication from both sides becomes an entirely new game that is even more challenging and rewarding.

-Heavy?s are deceptively short rage attackers. Distance shots should be used mostly for suppressive fire or an all out attack with large amounts of backup.

-An Ubercharged Heavy/Medic combo can be used to block a doorway from another Ubercharged Heavy/Medic combo. This way, the enemy wastes their Ubercharge and access to any sentries they were attempting to destroy is prevented.

-The scoreboard is your friend more than you might realize. Running low on time and that last capture point is close? Tab frequently to see how many skulls are on what side of the scoreboard. If the majority of the opposing team is dead, a strong push has better odds of succeeding or at least covering more ground. This rule extends beyond usual class restrictions. If you are engineer with a healthy sentry, and the enemy is weak, push forward, shotgun blazing. You may be the best one suited to take advantage of an open capture point after a large battle. The opposite of this is true too. Don't rush if most of your team is dead and the opposition is at nearly full force. Checking the scoreboard is also helpful when joining a room to help assess where things stand at the moment.

-Pyros are the best defense for sentries against Spies, especially when more than one sentry is clustered close together. If your sentries are being attack by multiple Spies, just keep a Pyro spraying the whole area. The engineers will love you.

-When playing CP_Gravelpit, Demomen and Solidiers can blastjump to the top of the Capture Point B house. This can also be done at point B to gain access to the enemy spawn point. Both excellent surprise opportunities.

Your thoughts? Any other ideas?

:cheers: Happy fragging!
I wish it was obvious for anyone, most of the people playing are dumb and selfish.
Soldiers are best when coming from the right- it's easier to shoot around a corner if that corner doesn't get in the way of your rocket launcher.
Don't be afraid to utilize the demoman's stick grenades for jumping purposes. A couple well placed stickies can get you from one battlement to the other on 2fort, and still having enough life to blow away any snipers up there, and maybe come from behind to take out the teleporters.

As a heavy, watch your ammo closely. Nothing loses a battle faster than a couple of enemies hearing a heavy shooting away, then the subtle "click click click"...
I just got done playing some granary and it sucked. No medic. 4-5 engineers, no offense classes. I went medic for a bit but I realized it was pointless. No one to heal but engineers.
I went scout and was able to bypass most of the enemies from the grain shoot. Capped mid and then the enemies 2nd point. Destroyed their teleporters. But of course all my team is not moving up and I die. CPs return to the enemy and all as if nothing happened. /disconnect
As an engineer be prepared to destroy your constructions if they are badly located, or the battle has moved on, and build afresh.
at the last cap point in the last dustbowl map, you can jump up (little ledge there) on the left to the ledge to get into the house/bunker.
Can anyone post an explanation on how 'dominating' or 'nemesis' seems to affect the rate you get critical hits on a person? Also what governs the occasional 'supercharge' of your shots (when they glow blue).
I play engineer alot, mostly to use teleporters to get my team further in the field. I'll drop a teleporter in front of our exit point, then search out the map for a good place to place the exit. The farther out of the enemy's path and sight the better, and the closet to a good flanking spot. Then I'll support that site with the other deployables. Each map has its sweet spots. The most important thing is not to let the enemy know theres a station there, so I try not to place it where people will stand next to and fight from.

It makes a huge difference when an engy is giving his team an alternate entrance into the fight!
Can anyone post an explanation on how 'dominating' or 'nemesis' seems to affect the rate you get critical hits on a person? Also what governs the occasional 'supercharge' of your shots (when they glow blue).

Those "supercharge" shots are critical shots. If they connect, it'll cause critical damage (not sure on how much damage that is, probably double or triple).
You mentioned getting on top of 'b' for gravelpit...

However, you can also get into the rafters of 'a', part of which is within range to block caps.

Sticky bombs are amazing for jumps. For instance, you can reach the second level of the train station on well from your team's side of the river. (or the same to get up to the enemy base from the train station, bypassing the snipers.

On the topic of demoman, I don't think everyone is aware you can detonate a sticky in midair. It isn't as good of damage, but it might be enough to finish someone off and can be easier to pull off than a standard nade hit.

Sentry guns are only instant-lockon if you are within their focus arc. If you can come from behind, you'll have a little extra time.

Snipers have very limited view when scoped in. Check for their dot, and you might be able to find a safe path. As well, if a sniper misses you on the first shot, don't wait, keep going. The second (unless they wait for the charge) will not be nearly as deadly.

Snipers can kill anything with a charged headshot (assuming the target is not invuln). Therefore, you should kill the heavy in the heavy/medic combo first. Without his heavy/soldier whatever, all the medic has is a syringe gun and he probably won't have that out. The heavy is almost certainly an easier shot, and is the greater immediate threat. Your teammates will likely be focusing on the medic anyway.

Any scout using a teleporter should be instantly kicked from the game. No, no... VAC Banned. Seriously, go die asshole...

In sudden death, all engineers after the 2nd or so are pretty much useless. You have a brief period of safe class changing at the beginning of any round in spawn. USE IT.
Any scout using a teleporter should be instantly kicked from the game. No, no... VAC Banned. Seriously, go die asshole...
I'll admit I've done this specifically to screw with other .netters :p

But there are situations where the scout taking the teleporter is necessary. They are rare (i.e. respawning with 10 or 15 seconds left and a capture halfway finished), but they do exist.
Those "supercharge" shots are critical shots. If they connect, it'll cause critical damage (not sure on how much damage that is, probably double or triple).

Ok. But does anyone know what activates that 'critical' part? What causes that shot to be critical? Is it random?
yes it is "random" but there are different cases

if u just spawn and ur 0 and 8 u can get a critical shot at an enemy the first shot u take

not sure what the chance of getting one are but theres percent or formula they have

the chances u have of getting a critical shot go up if u stay alive for a long time plus if ur doing well, as in say killing people and objects in rapid succession.

not sure but maybe u have a higher chance of getting one when u shoot at a dominated or nemesis.
Very interesting fr4nkc45tl3.

Where did you get that information? That is extremely helpful...
The only previous information I have heard about critical hits is that they are random.
I'll admit I've done this specifically to screw with other .netters :p

But there are situations where the scout taking the teleporter is necessary. They are rare (i.e. respawning with 10 or 15 seconds left and a capture halfway finished), but they do exist.


I'm really bad most of the time teamwork-wise, but mostly because I can't rely on random people on public servers to work together. Also when playing as medic, there's always some muppet constantly shouting medic for no reason, a long way back from the front lines.

.netters on the other hand... I'd work with them :p
well they are random =P

but sometimes they're just a little less random

like i said i dont know if dominations have nething to do with critical hits against that certain player, but in the bigger picture if ur dominating people you are doing good so you will be getting more "random" critical shots

if you open up tf2 and go to developer comments, im pretty sure its one of the comments in gravelpit where he talks about it.
I hate some of the people that play this game. They're usually idiots that don't know how to use teamwork to win a round.

I say something like, "Come on people. We have 5 engineers. 3 of you can go to a class that we are in desperate need of.", and nobody bothers to listen.
yeh some ppl are selfish and there are a lot of lone wolves about.
some are absolutely happy to score high in their team with no interest to win the game AS A TEAM
beside this only few players use chat or voice chat at all.
they come from games like HL2 deathmatch and think individual performance is everything.
To save a game sometimes you have to switch to a class you don't like personally.
One trick - as Spy, when there's a lone sentry with its engineer nearby, crouch-jump on top of it, sap it, and start shooting it. Even if the engi removes the sapper, you've taken out a hell of a lot of its health, and it can't aim up enough to shoot you, so you can just keep sapping/shooting. With a little luck, once it's taken out, you can just cloak and run away.
the chances u have of getting a critical shot go up if u stay alive for a long time plus if ur doing well, as in say killing people and objects in rapid succession.

I generally find if I'm playing HWG, the criticals come on thick and fast once you get a head of steam up on a nice strafe against a lot of targets.
In dustbowl map 3, the one with the bridge to the last point and one main narrow corridor. The red team can has a quick route to the first point. The right spawnpoint has a second exit which leads directly to the first point. Most of you know this but I have played a surprising amount of matches where people do not know that.

Also that exit closes after the blue team caps the first point. So if you are a smart engineer you will place a teleporter, sentry and dispenser just outside of the exit, but out of the range of the opening leading to the battlefield so no demo or soldier can target you. People will rocket/sticky jump to it, but thats what the sentry is for. Keeping this route open for your team means they can attack the blues from behind, and it's otherwise great for spies.

You do not necessarily need to attack behind enemy lines, I have sometimes spend like 10 minutes behind enemy lines just reporting to my team what enemies and from where are coming to attack.

Working in tandem can be great, first less people will suspect you are both spies since spies usually go solitary, second one can be in charge of placing sappers while the other can be backstabbing the engineers

Do not disguise yourself before going in stealth and behind enemy lines, it's useless if they see you with the other team, plus the will know you have disguised yourself as that particular player,unless you want to fool the other team. Plus any disguise except scout makes slower.

And now that we are at that point, choose yur class wisely.
For example it is often more accepatble for scouts to be seen coming from the enemy side, but you will be quit slower then a scout so that might give it away. plus you should be in stealth when approaching the other team from the wrong direction.

Pyro's are a nice disguise since they are short range so the enemy won't wonder why you aren't shooting at that enemy in the distance. They will if you go soldier or heavy.

Engineers are also nice to be if around sentries, but the thing is a lot of spies disguise themselves as engineers so people are weary of engi's.

Sniper can be a good disguise if you want to stay back, and kill other snipers, you won't believe how many snipers i killed on fort by pretending to snipe until backstabbing another sniper.

Heavy can be a good disguise if you want to draw a medic away from the other team to your side unprotected.

medic would be a bad disguise because the other team is constantly yelling for a medic and when you do not heal they will kill you.

Help each other, it's better to have a chain gun sentry and a dispenser then two shitty peashooter sentries. Usually if I see another engineer building an sentry i will build a dispenser and use the remaining of my metal to upgrade his sentry. Also hitting your stuff makes it build faster. that is still something a lot of folks do not know.

Also if your sentry and dispenser or whatever are near each other, work together against spies. Have one person be the dedicated anti-sapper while the other dedicated spy hunter. To often i see both engineers reparing and the spy just keeps placing sapper endlessly.

try building a sentry, portal and dispenser outside of the enemy itelligents in fort. Most engineers will be waiting inside for fear of spies and other enemies usually do not wander down there unless the intelligents is stolen. So if you can sneak by it will be surprisingly easy to pull off.


scout, no seriously you are fast you can make a quick stroll trough the enemy base and avoid enemy fire while reporting back home. This is especially handy while defending, because the enemy most likely will not have build sentry guns on the main battle area plys you can keep enemies busy while the engineers are repairing/building sentries after the last battle.
One trick - as Spy, when there's a lone sentry with its engineer nearby, crouch-jump on top of it, sap it, and start shooting it. Even if the engi removes the sapper, you've taken out a hell of a lot of its health, and it can't aim up enough to shoot you, so you can just keep sapping/shooting. With a little luck, once it's taken out, you can just cloak and run away.

Stab the engineer and sap the sentry in one fell swoop. No damage taken, faster.

Engineers are also nice to be if around sentries, but the thing is a lot of spies disguise themselves as sentries so people are weary of engi's.

MAN! I SO wish I could disguise as a sentry. That would be ****ING awesome.
themselves as sentries so people are weary of engi's.

OH GOD. That would be bloody hilarious.
A trick I do as a Spy is when an Engineer is fixing his turret or doing whatever to it, stab him in the back (thus killing him), and at the exact moment, go invisible. The sentry (or more) will start to shoot at where you were (sonce you should have moved by now) for about a second, then stop, this will allow enough time to take all sentries out (unless there's another Engi, in which case rinse and repeat) with zappers and revolver shots. I easily go 100+ points in a round with this trick and many others ;) , I'll post more later, it's 2:07am as I post this, sigh...back to homework...
I share my advanced sentry disguise technique with you people and this is the thanks I get.
Wannabe Spies please continue to use teleporters to bring yourself closer to me on maps, I love the fact that as you exit and rush around the corner whether cloaked or disguised the give away sparkles of your true team colours follow behind you for a good while and I'm able to rapidly turn you into dogfood with my beautiful Sasha. ;)

Wannabe Spies please continue to use teleporters to bring yourself closer to me on maps, I love the fact that as you exit and rush around the corner whether cloaked or disguised the give away sparkles of your true team colours follow behind you for a good while and I'm able to rapidly turn you into dogfood with my beautiful Sasha. ;)


Don't say that! It's funnier when they don't realize it!