TF2 Blog Update: It is a good day to be giant man


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
A new update over at the TF2 Blog has announced some pretty cool news for Sam and Max fans. Valve will be adding three new items, all of which are inspired from the Sam and Max series. The items that have been added are:[br]
  • Max's Severed Head- It's not often you're given the gift of a beloved character's decapitated head by the very studio responsible for that character. Still, we're not complaining. It's soft, it wicks away moisture in the heat of battle, it highlights our eyes. It's got us thinking about all the other game characters we could be wearing around as clothes.[br]
  • Max's Pistol- Who wouldn't want to squeeze off a couple rounds with the murder weapon of choice of a sociopathic cartoon rabbit? Probably quite a lot of people, when you get right down to it. Luckily, those people are all well-adjusted contributors to society with no police records, spotless credit ratings and few unresolvable moral failings. They also probably have no interest in playing TF2, so that means more murder-rabbit gun shooting for the rest of us.[br]
  • Sam's Revolver- This might look like an ordinary revolver, until you realize that it helps a talking dog solve crimes. How many crimes has YOUR dog solved lately? And let's face it, his revolver kind of sucks too. Man, we want to talk about this gun more, but we can't get over how much your dog sucks.[br]The way to obtain all these items is to buy the latest Sam and Max game, The Devil's Playhouse, by April 23rd. You can read the full blog post here.
Don't play Sam & Max. Want moar engi update.
I like this idea (though I play games for fun, so what do I know?)
Can't say I like this cross marketing very much, especially since I'm not into Sam & Max. I also don't like the excessive number of all class hats.

I like this idea (though I play games for fun, so what do I know?)

I hate Valve. I'm going to preorder this now when I never intended to and GODDAMN IT VALVE YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO MAKE ME BUY THINGS!

ahh... making us buy a game for a couple of items... guess I'm gonna pass, even though I'm expecting some kind of revolver for some time now... shame on you valve... this time you've disappointed me
are you stupid? they're not forcing you to buy anything. 35 bucks for 5 good games is a great deal. if you like sam & max, just buy it, if you don't, then stop complaining.
That's right: one week only. It's like the Soldier medal all over again, except this time you have no excuse about being too asleep in bed to download it in time.
Well, at least they figured out the problem and learned how to make money with it.
Still, I want my ****ing medal, Valve. :(
I'd love a soldier's medal. Unsurprisingly, the Steam forums are currently exploding with rage and counter-rage.
I'd love a soldier's medal. Unsurprisingly, the Steam forums are currently exploding with rage and counter-rage.

It's nothing more than insulting that Facepunch got them all while people who actually main the soldier are left in the dust. :frown:
Interesting to see Valve backing other games, quite surprising.

Unfortunately a bit thin on the thought going into the weapons. There are already a LOT of weapons in the game now and adding more with little value is diluting the fun and understanding for new players.

Apparently the for the new weapons...Max's pistol for the scout only, Sam's revolver is spy only and the hat is for all classes. Separate weapons but no extra attributes (pretty much skins). Not even jiggly ears for the hat :(
Adding a no-unlockables server setting (that would be forced to show up in tags, like bots do) could answer some of the rage and also help out newbies.

Sam & Max has shot up to the top of the Steam top sellers list. Telltale must be overjoyed.
But Valve made Steam. And by using their platform to promote other games, they are backing other games. That's my point.
Correct, but I believe Glenn may have been referring to Valve's use of one of their own (and more popular) games to promote another game, rather than the promotion of a game through the Steam platform (which happens all the time)