TF2 Character Videos


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
What happened to them? They started off with the Heavy, which was awesome, The Soldier was even better after at, then the Engineer which was also awesome and finally the Demoman and then they just stopped.

Are anymore coming out because those videos are great. Its the reason i look forward to weekly steam updates.
Supposedly, they're going to do 9 of them, one for each class. That's what they said, at least. Just be patient. :)
Sniper is next, maybe?
I heard they had actually stopped making them since TF2 is already out?
Whoever told you that had better be a freaking liar. I would kill for more Class Videos.
They've stated that they're going to continue doing them. Unless they've stated otherwise post launch, I think they'll keep their promise... eventually.
It'll never happen, but it would be fun to see an animated series (or at least a feature length movie).
Do you know that Valve has registered the domain Never say never... ;)
Do you know that Valve has registered the domain Never say never... ;)

You know, there are other movies than just TF2 class videos...Steam is supposedly content delivery platform which means that Steam may start selling real movies and all that stuff if they manage to gain enough popularity.
Cant wait for the others to come out, the ones currently out are pure genius.

Ohh there gonna have to glue you back together, in HELL!! :D
once they are all released, I will watch them all back to back. :E
Demo was done during the beta, so I dont see why they'd stop right now