TF2 Halloween Update - Fifth Annual Helloween Special


Assistant Writer
Nov 12, 2012
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Beginning today and running through November 11th, the fifth annual Scream Fortress Halloween Special is now live. The update brings with it the Payload Race variation map "Helltower", Spell Books, 100+ new community-made items, eight new Helltower-themed achievements, and The Witching Hour.


The new "Helltower" map is a Halloween-themed version of the Hightower map and draws its unique brand of terror from the "depressing terror of a retirement home." In it, all players are able to equip a new spell book item in order to pick up and cast various spells, which manifest as unique abilities such as meteors, magical blasts, bat swarms, and more. To win the game, teams must escort the corpse of the opposing team's leader to the top of the tower, thereby sending them to hell.


Players can get more powerful spells by reaching the Haunted Tower in the center of the map, which must be reached via a bridge which appears during The Witching Hour. Once inside the Haunted Tower, players will be teleported back to their spawn room, where they will receive spells such as skeleton minions, gravity wells, and MONOCULUS, which is a temporarily helpful version of 2011’s Scream Fortress boss. When a round ends, all players are sent to Hell for a deathmatch. Surviving the round and reaching the new skull island will reward the player with a new "Unfilled Fancy Spellbook". Dying in hell temporarily turns the player into a controllable ghost until the conclusion of the round.

The update takes place sometime after the initial events of Mann vs. Machine following the deaths of brothers Blutarch and Redmond, the owners of BLU and RED, respectively. As shown in the recently released "Grave Matters" comic, both brothers believe they can beat the other by sending their sibling to hell first, thereby inheriting the Gravel Pits from their father Zepheniah, who also appears as a ghost watching over the battle from the Haunted Tower.

To read more about this year’s Scream Fortress event, head on over to the official announcement blog post on the Team Fortress blog, as well as the official update page.


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This sounds fun as hell, hope I get a chance to play soon...

It definitely is. Just finished playing about 2-3 hours of it. I can say with confidence that this event is by far the most polished and creative one we've seen for several years. All of the crazy spell stuff from last year, with even more added layers of wacky gameplay, without any of the overpowered nature of Merasmus as a boss. Not to mention this only the second time they have ever changed from using a King of the Hill gamemode for Halloween maps, the only other time being Mann Manor with Attack/Defend. Payload race with corpses, hell, and a pair of jealous ghost brothers bickering and screaming at you all the way is a real treat.

Also, they nerfed Merasmus...yay!
damnit valve! where's the next comic with the mercs getting back together?
I cant wait to play it. Hightower, being the silly map by itself, Has to be just insane with this magic stuff
After playing few rounds of this, this has got to be the most amazing TF2 scream fortress event so far...The spells concept is incredibly fun
Why does Valve keep reusing old maps for new updates? I understand it's faster to mess with, but I'm kinda tired of getting a reused map for an update. The only new map I believe we had was from last years Halloween update.
Mann Manor was a new map. Last year was just Lakeside reskinned.

This year's is quite fun but I'm getting crashes every few minutes and it's just frustrating not knowing whether I'm even going to be able to complete the round when I join a game.
Why does Valve keep reusing old maps for new updates? I understand it's faster to mess with, but I'm kinda tired of getting a reused map for an update. The only new map I believe we had was from last years Halloween update.

Using an existing map removes a lot of the development time. It means you don't have to test, rebuild, test, rebuild over and over and over again, since Valve already know the core concept works and is balanced. Mann Manor was not the only 'new' Halloween map, as Harvest was also a brand new map which was released with the first Halloween update, so only the previous three maps have really been 'reskins'.

I don't think it's necessary to view the maps as reskins and then complain about it, it makes more sense to look past the core layout for which ever map is being used (reskin or not) and just ask: Is this a good map which is fun to play? Then you can ask: Does this map fit well with a Halloween theme?

I honestly feel all five of the current Halloween maps are extremely fun maps in both their normal and Halloween versions.