Tf2 Is Retail Gabe Says!!!!


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
ok every1... stop saying TF2 will be HL2's MP cause look what Gabe sliipped out :afro:
[PlanetFortress] When will you be releasing the source code (after the release of the game, or with the game) for the production of MODs?[Gabe Newell] Actually we will be releasing TF 2 technology prior to TF 2's retail release (see the TF 1.5 netcode and V-GUI, for example).
link is here Please carefullly note the word RETAIL!!
Interviews that are 3 years old mean nothing. Especially considering TF2 was supposively their only game they were working on, of course it was going to be retail... duh
the interview may be old but still if you want a game to go retail from the start then it probably will stay retail.... they aint gonna spend all that time making TF2 and then make it come with HL2 but.... o well no more posts needed :\
Another "News Flash post" Its not that we dont appreciate people trying, but really how many times must people post the same things?
Another "News Flash post" Its not that we dont appreciate people trying, but really how many times must people post the same things?

Hmmm dosent this sound familiar...!!!
Like i always say use the search function.!
I dont thnk its 3 years old because we never knew about the source engine then. Hopefully it comes out soon. They already said that TF2 and HL2 will be retail and steam.
its been officially stated by Gabe that its up to him about the multiplayer and TF2 to be included or me ive done alot of research and work about TF2...they most likely will include TF2 for their market strategy. Im not sure about the whole thing but whatever they are doing its most likely going to be pretty catchy....what will happen is either include it, have hl2 to download TF2 through steam, and/or eventually buy it retail...we will all see.
TF2 WILL BE RETAIL........ its been said more recently.
this is old but the point is still true..... TF2 wont be HL2's multiplayer.

Someone needs to update the FAQ, preferably with BRIGHT RED LETTERS.
wheres my glasses, I cant seem to see this thing in red, what is it ?
Something like TF2 has its own space on these forums.... Ect.....
Originally posted by MIWojo11
I dont thnk its 3 years old because we never knew about the source engine then. Hopefully it comes out soon. They already said that TF2 and HL2 will be retail and steam.

In that quote, he uses the word source in the same way a prgrammer would say "source code for the doom3 engine", not The Source Engine specifically.
The most recent interview that talked about TF2 said they were still deciding whether or not to include TF2 in HL2.

They said if it didn't make HL2 release date, they would release it shortly after, but they were still deliberating whether it would be an add on or an expansion.
sure, but did they ever show off the real gameplay elements we were promised?

No, just new models and maps.
It could have been a placeholder (and yes, i am crazy.)
wassi, that was for HL1, not 2.

and 3 years ago they alredy knew it's on HL2 engine.

My theory is that TF2 has an expanse SP campaign.

Message to all: Keep in mind, just because you learn all these new things about HL2 and TF2 correlations, does not mean valve didnt know it as well.
Originally posted by MoD

My theory is that TF2 has an expanse SP campaign.

There's no way it will be SP. Unless bots or something. The phrase TEAM FORTRESS alone already defines the game. All Team Fortress mods for all games: Half Life, Unreal, Quake 3 - are online CTF based games only. It would be just stupid to take that and turn it into something else. TF games are always about online CTF or Hold the Command Points. Hense the name, TEAM Fortress.