TF2 release info?



I hadnt seen this anywhere really, probably old news to you guys...but on the chance that no one saw this before....looks like TF2 can be preordered for 1/1/2004 from gamestop.....but EBgames has it for 11/14/2003. (same date as HL2). Maybe they are being released together? or do you think that 1/1/2004 is a more accurate date.

Again, sorry if thats old news.... I Just didnt see anyone talking about it....happened to be looking through gamespot's website, and saw it. Hadnt seen the picture before either.
In a nutshell; these games retail companies don't have a clue what the dates are, so just estimate some themselves. It's a pivot for alot of confusion, and alot of aggrovation on this forum :/
As far as I know, this is brand new info.

Nice find, interesting...!
I just found it interesting how one retailer has it released the same day as HL2...while the other is way later.
I wouldn't speculate on that too much. They've got the date for HL2 wrong, the official date so far is 30th September.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I wouldn't speculate on that too much. They've got the date for HL2 wrong, the official date so far is 30th September.

Hmmm... don't want to stir the pot too much, but maybe this is the "secret" multi player?

Now that would be worth keeping under wraps, you've got to admit.
Its kinda funny though, usually a few weeks or so before a release, we get some leaks form people who work at these places..."psst, hey we got it in". Havent heard anything from my friends yet. Even on promotional stuff, like posters, etc. AFAIK, none of them have heard a thing about releases for TF2 or HL2.
Beazil, the only info we have on MP is that TF2 will be a standalone game and is NOT included with HL2 mulitplayer and Gabe responded with "No comment" when asked if a CS project would be included as HL2 MP.
This is just one of the several hundred different "release dates" TF2 has had throughout the year. This is another thing that shows that you shouldn't trust in retailers release dates.
you could pre-order tf2 back in 2001, it means nothing coming from retailers.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Beazil, the only info we have on MP is that TF2 will be a standalone game and is NOT included with HL2 mulitplayer and Gabe responded with "No comment" when asked if a CS project would be included as HL2 MP.

My bad. I forgot.;( It would be cool tho.

lol thats new years day, no company would release a game on new years day:bounce:
Originally posted by Chris_D
As far as I know, this is brand new info.

Nice find, interesting...!

The TF2 pictures are ancient, from 1999! Don't expect anything on that pre-order page to carry any vital information.
Tf2 , they'll have it bundled with Duke nukem forever.
you know how some people said TF2 would be packed with HL2? and some say itll be relesed later standalone? maybe itll be relesed on the same day standalone!
its always a possibility that tf2 could be a part of hl2 MP. sometimes people lie so that you can benefit later heh. kinda like parents before christmas. never rule the possiblity out!
If valve lied directly and intentionaly, noone would trust their new releass in the future. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on ME. A liar can not be determined to be telling truth if they've proven that they have lied in the past.

So i doubt they will :D
Originally posted by Joneleth
I think some version of CS is more possible then TF2.

I have a feeling they will be releasing CS2 standalone. Think of how much money they could potentially make.