TF2 sleuthing


Apr 13, 2004
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A little something I noticed. On PTF we see this quote:

All communications, for instance, by default are in your squad only. In a 50 player game using squads we can cut it down so that all you have to do is work well within your team of eight or whatever...
This is regarding TF2 on the HL engine - clearly, Valve were after BIG games. Given that we know Source supports up to 256 players anyone else getting excited yet? :O
Woah, that's class. 50 players on huge maps with Vehicles. Sounds nice.

I can't wait till we start getting more details on it.

EDIT: But how old is this quote.
I don't think you get it...they had 50 plays in HL. They will have up to 256 in Source.
i think will see 64 player servers on average and 128 on more powerful machines. even though they stated that many years ago(4 or 5 and im sure they didnt know the limitations of their new engine that was even completed) they have recently told us what is realistic and to expect for player count in hl2/source servers.

and yes this is my second and almost equivalent to hl2. i remeber reading about tf2 years ago and getting pumped about it. the game they describe is very close to my ideal game.
That's some good sleuthing. If they were pushing for those kind of player numbers for a modified HL1 engine then i'd say wootage is in store on the HL2 engine.