TF2 Sound files


Mar 29, 2006
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Is there a particular way that an owner of the Xbox version of the Orange Box can get all those TF2 soundbytes for his computer? Say, for example, a database or somesuch. I'm mostly looking for all those quotes all the different classes say in certain situations.

I'm rather certain that such things are legal. Hell, has an entire database of soundbytes, so there is some precedent.

But I could be talking out of my unmentionables. Perhaps one of you more law-minded people could set me straight.

Anyway, thanks in advance.
I bet they're in the GFCscape files. :/

I don't know about legality though.
You could also buy it a second time for the PC... ;)
I don't think it's illegal for you to get these sounds, but I'm almost sure about that it's illegal if someone posts it to these or any forums, or uploads them on the internet, because other's may get it too. This is why I have a PC :) (ofc we have others problems for this flexibilty)
I'm not entirely sure this will work, but it's worth a try.
Download GCFscape.
Open this link; Steam should open and start pre-loading TF2. Wait for it to finish, then open GCFScape, go to your "steamapps" folder - usually x:\program files\steam\steamapps\ - and open "team fortress 2 content.gcf". Look around in there and you should be able to find the sounds.
It should work, but the thing is that mastapenguin owns an Xbox, and Orange box for his/her Xbox but he needs the sounds for the PC :D
It should work, but the thing is that mastapenguin owns an Xbox, and Orange box for his/her Xbox but he needs the sounds for the PC :D
Steam will let you preload the GCFs for a game whether or not you actually own it.
Ah, you mean the preloading thing that steam offers for many games? I had not realized that GFC would be able to pull out those files, even if I haven't "activated" them. I'll give it a try.
Ah, you mean the preloading thing that steam offers for many games? I had not realized that GFC would be able to pull out those files, even if I haven't "activated" them. I'll give it a try.

Yea the .gfc files are encrypted until you actually buy the game. All you will be able to do with gfcscape is view the files, but not extract them.
I was thinking of asking exactly this question this evening. I'm interested in hearing everyone's "I'm on fire" sound bytes. The one of the soldier's is hilarious.
GCF are encrypted b4 release after release all are encrypted...
There is a small program do dowload gcf from Valve content servers...