TF2 Update, fixed some achievements and Kritzkrieg


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Noticed this last night before I went to bed, thought there would already be a thread about it by now since it is an update that has some important fixes.
  • Fixed several issues with the Family Practice achievement. Players with 10/10 progress that have not been awarded the achievement will get the achievement the next time they UberCharge any Steam friend
  • Fixed toggle-fire option for the Medigun preventing players from earning the Second Opinion achievement
  • Fixed The Kritzkrieg not charging faster than the Medigun
  • Fixed issue that was preventing players from using their new Medic items on some servers
  • Fixed melee weapons not being affected by The Kritzkrieg's critboost
  • Fixed Server Browser sometimes refreshing in the background on startup when it wasn't visible

I think I'll be trying out the Kritzkrieg again.
Eh? I thought they intentionally nerfed the kritz to charge slower than the medigun? That's great!
It's supposed to charge 10% faster then the Medigun. It evens says that on the loadout screen.
Finally got my "Second Opinion" achievement.
How to get that "Second Opinion" achievement? Thanks.
I did it during setup time when 2 guys were standing still. You have to keep both of them ubered the WHOLE uber, not just mass switching between loads of people. Both of the guys I ubered were blue and flickery for the duration of my charge and then I got the achievement.
Found this
How to get that "Second Opinion" achievement? Thanks.

Activate your ubercharge on someone while there's someone else near then keep clicking on each person alternatively and regularly. Should work as of now.
I don't know what was wrong with your Kritzkriegs. Mine has always charged faster than the Medigun.
Err okay, then you were the only person that had it working properly pre-update :dozey:
Yay! I'm special. The only use I found of it was completing achievements that involved ubercharges, since it charged faster.